spine angle and more

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My swing is coming along and my path is better on the backswing, but still a ways away from where I want it, and also better on the downswing, better extension, but still some work left there. Two Big probles still exist. A forward lunge with my head moving towards the target and loosing spine angle, straightening up, on the downswing. ANy Ideas as to the causes, any relation between the two, what should I do to fix these problems?


I'm working on spine angle as well,would love to hear some advice too.TGM doesn't seem to discuss this area much and thus gives the impression it's not that important.

I'm of the opinion that maintaing certain aspects of the spine angle/s is crucial for consistent strikes in the middle of the clubface,all other things being equal.


quote:Originally posted by Archie Swivel

Maintain the tushline.


Place a chair or bagstand against your rear end and make swings. Your tush shouldn't come 'off' until your finish.


I have had the same issues. Frankly, the "tush" drill did nothing to cure it; just made it obvious that I had a problem.

Two things seem to have helped correct this. One is greater stength and flexibility in the tush region: hips, thighs, glutes, from gym visits three times a week for the past six months.

The other is to actively rotate the shoulders in the downswing, as Hardy recommends for the 1PS (sorry I don't know enough to put this in TGM terms). I found that if I "held my shoulders back" in the downswing (something I used to work on and seem to have ingrained), the right hip would jut out, my head would move toward the target line and I'd stand-up. Very ugly. If I try to let the shoulders "out race" the hips to the finish, these things don't seem to happen.
shootin: If you had stuck with the 1PS like I did, you still wouldn't be having these basic 101 problems of maintaining spine angle and with the lunge. Too bad.


quote:Originally posted by shootin4par

would keeping my head back keep my spine angle better? Or are the two not related?

There's a reason why you are 'standing up.' This is a common problem that plagues the weekend slicer. If you are coming in steep, you simply have no choice but to stand up (or miss the ball).


quote:Originally posted by bottomsup

shootin: If you had stuck with the 1PS like I did, you still wouldn't be having these basic 101 problems of maintaining spine angle and with the lunge. Too bad.

Seems like an oddball comment: in my case, problems with standing up began when I adopted the more bent over posture of a 1PS. Fixing it had nothing to do with my desired pattern.

Anyway, bups, I'd be interested in seeing some video or pics of your swing to see what you consider to be a "1PS". BTW, your precious Chuck stands-up in the downswing; could it be because he doesn't have a 1ps???
tried the one plane, did not work real well for me
just because I am having some basic issues does not mean I have not improved A LOT over the past few months. My distance is better, my accuracy, my ball flight, and my short game are all MUCH better then when I tried the one plane way. Also, still had this problem when trying the one plane.
jeffy: I have a short film, but it is with a little cheap digital camera(all I have). Not being that computer literate I'm not sure how it could be sent or posted? 2nd, as was originally posted by CQ, the 1PS was NOT for everybody. Hardy may have also mentioned this. Perhaps your body type was wrong. Generally speaking it was for more athletic types as bending over more and maintaining spine angle was not all that easy. Maybe that's why you and shootin had little success with it? However, once learned, I'm about there, the timing issues pretty much sort themselves out. Whether CQ does or doesn't have a 1PS as defined by you is really irrelevant. I want to be taught not watch him swing. On a side note: I enjoy this site for different views, but all the jargon leaves me a little cold. I also prefer to think less when swinging a golf club.
if all the jargon is not for you leave, sometimes the truth is too much to handle for some people. I guess I am not flexible enough for the swing, being able to stand up with palms flat on the floor would not meet hardys requirements?
shootin: It takes a good 6 months to even begin to switch over and get the idea. Also, you have to be fully committed. Were you? Did you give it 6 months minimum? I worked at it religiously for that time. There were a lot of one step forward, 2 steps back times. But, the theory made sense and I could never play consistently with the 2PS. Also, there is no "truth". Otherwise all the pros would swing the same way. 2nd I'll leave the forum when I feel like it or when I'm thrown off, neither of which is your decision.
"On a side note: I enjoy this site for different views, but all the jargon leaves me a little cold. I also prefer to think less when swinging a golf club."

You'll warm up to it...:) Being new at this, I find the search feature invaluable when it comes to jargon understanding. I search by subject only, then entire message if not not enough content. There is translation power here. Still, get the book for referencing. I promise you this. With TGM, you will have a deeper understanding of what you are trying to accomplish with your swing regardless of whom you choose to instruct you. Soon, you will appreciate why 4barrels named himself 4barrels...!!!

As far as thinking less on the course, for me it's not a function of all this new stuff. Rather, more so of a commitment to changing the on and off course mindset. Leave the mechanic stuff for the range or the living room.

You will find components of the 1ps on this forum. Overall, if you read the text, most of the incredible members here have a problem with the label of the swing coined by Hardy rather than the swing pattern. Others may not particularly care for certain instructors. But hey, the ego thing is an intangible in nearly all occupations.
tour: Thanks for reply. One thing I did notice was all the criticism of how Hardy, etc. labelled the 1PS and 2PS. Very little went into the theory being generally espoused. Everybody seemed more hung up on the terms being used rather than acknowledgeing there might be other ways to swing a golf club. Too busy talking about shifts and stuff instead of maybe explaining why they thought it wouldn't work. Next time watch M Campbell, F Funk and P McGinley and P Jacobsen and say it doesn't work. Anyway, I don't want to hijack shootin's post. He and jeffy are having problems and I'll let you people help them out.


In my limited exposure to TGM the thing that I so far like the best is that it acknowledges that there is more than one way to swing a club and none is better than the other as long as the imperatives are followed and there's limited to no mixing going on. I think most on here would obviously recognize the success of the pros you referenced, but they disagree with Hardy and that quack about the descritption. Hardy even recently admitted that his definition of plane was a bit off.
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