Doubled, do you use e.g. a V1 programme where you can draw lines when watching swings in slow motion ? If not, give me a name of the player who decreases his spine angle at impact, his swing DTL to download and I'll measure it objectively.
In my collection I have only swings of players whose swings I am interested in - Hogan, Trevino, Snead, Johnson, Baddeley, etc. All of them increases their spine angle somewhere in the downswing. Please provide me a vid of a player in his prime who reduces his spine angle during downswing.
Mongoose, I am speechless. First, you say that you don't care from what point the angle is being measured, and then you obstinately claim that it should be measured from the line parallel to the ground...which would mean that e.g. a player bends at adress 65 degrees (instead 25 degrees) or when a player is erect his spine angle amounts to 90 degrees (instead 0 degrees) - do you see the absurdity of it now ?
I tell you once again, the measurement of the spine angle in golf is done from a vertical line perpendicular to the ground that is logical and being used by all golf teachers I encountered.
Lastly, the measurement you have shown us of Crane's spine angle is done incorrectly. He also increases his spine angle which can be seen even with a bare eye if the line on the second pic is drawn as it should be. It would be even more clearly seen when you measure it at impact.