Spine angle loss during downswing

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Dariusz J.

New member
Brian & all:

Why does the spine angle loss cause both thin and fat shots ? Logically, standing up during downswing should create only thin shots...
And second question, related to this one - why the spine angle during downswing should increase and it does not lead to fat shots ? what's the overall mechanizm of this ?

Just curious, cheers.
Spine angle increase during the downswing? I know this is a part of the Hardy one plane swing, but I don't think Brian teaches it. Good players tend to stand up through impact as a result of increasing axis tilt. Right?

Dariusz J.

New member
TF, all good players whose swings I have analyzed on my V1 program do increase their spine angle during downswing (Hogan, Trevino, Snead, etc.). Therefore, I don't think it belongs only to one swing theory but it is rather common phenomenon.

Multi, thanks for this link. I have not seen this video before and it is very informative, as usual.
So, can we draw a conclusion that the more a player increases his spine angle during downswing the better is his/her impact position ? and another - do people who decrease spine angle (standing up) are plagued by early release/flipping and that's why they may hit both thin and fat shots ?

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