Spinning out Left Foot

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Hey everyone... My right foot ( I am left handed) tends to spin out after I have already hit the ball. I just wanted to know if that means I am spinning my hips too much. I don't really think about my hips on the downswing... all I think about is back handing the ball, but whenever I look at video of my swing my hips are almost facing the target when I make impact and my left foot is well off the ground. I don't have any video of my swing... I just wanted to know what that means when my right foot spins out. Thanks!!


When this happens to me it's because my hips start turning too fast before I get enough weight transferred to the front foot. The turning of the hips spins the front foot out because there's not enough pressure on it to stabilize it.
I have similar issue, at a lesson, Brian correctly diagnosed it was my shoulders working to square the club that pulled off the front foot. Twistaway, keep club square, wedding ring up swivel finish and your foot will remain nicely on the ground. Before the lesson I could corkscrew my self into the ground, took huge cuts of turf up with my front foot. It was the shoulders, not the hips.
Was the club head open at the top of your swing??? I have struggled with a slice, but my club is ALWAYS sqaure or even a little closed at the top.
When this happens to me it's because my hips start turning too fast before I get enough weight transferred to the front foot. The turning of the hips spins the front foot out because there's not enough pressure on it to stabilize it.

Probably this.
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