Stages of a Golf Swing

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Stages of a Golf Swing

Your golf play will never be complete without a golf swing. It is one of the most basic and an essential golf skill you need to learn and master with a lot of practice. Like any sports that incorporate swinging, golf swing is a blow or stroke executed with a sweeping motion of the arm. There are different stages of a golf swing. It is important to identify each phase to know at exactly what stage of the swing you should exert the maximum force. Using too much strength too early or too late will double the figures of your handicap.
How you stand up to the golf ball is critical to how you execute the other elements of the swing. At the address, you should have your legs as wide as your shoulders and your weight evenly distributed between both sides of your body. Stand erect, and maintaining that posture, squat vertically until your knees are slightly bent. Raise your club to a horizontal position, then bend from the waist, tilt your upper torso forward and put your club on the ground while keeping your arms straight. Regardless of the length of your club, where your clubhead lands on the ground is the proper position of the golf ball. Finally, do not grip your club so tightly that you create tension in your arms or the rest of your body.

Takeaway / Takeoff

Takeaway also called as the takeoff is the starting point of a shot. After proper set up, this is where to start the swing, a trigger mechanism to get started. Waggling is a small wiggle of the club head to get the swing going. Others move the hands forward just a few degrees and then take the club back.

Backswing / Upswing

Backswing is also known as the upswing which involves the congruent movement of the shoulders, arms and hips. Roll the hips to the rear and then allow the shoulders and arms to follow. Roll the hips as far back as you can comfortably go and bring the arms back until the hands are at shoulder heights. both shoulders and hips as you take the club back. At the top of your backswing, your shoulders ideally should have turned so that your left is underneath your right and your hips have rotated about half that much. The forearms and the shaft of your club should resemble the letter “L” when at the top of the upswing. Progress is made if the club is pointed at the target and it is parallel to the ground due to the hinging of the wrists.


Downswing is the most important phase of the golf swing because this is where contact with the ball occurs. The key to this phase is the hip movement. The key to being successful in the downswing is to keep the speed of the swing consistent. Many golfers tend to slow down in this area because they fear making mistakes. Move your weight from the right to the left side. Keep the wrists cocked until the club is about parallel to the ground then release as you approach the moment of impact. The body should rotate on an axis and the head should remain in the same position for the entire golf shot.


Continue the swing through the golf ball. Make sure that the club goes toward the target and finish with the club at shoulder height before getting anxious to see the results of the shot.

Quick-read Swing Tips of Rory McIlroy in Every Golf Swing Stages


1.The first two feet of the takeaway are crucial
2. Left arm and shoulder should move together
3. Maintain a line between the shaft and left arm
4. Keep the elbows together
5. Keep right leg flexed


1. Collapse left knee
2. Keep left arm straight but not rigid
3. Turn your body in a barrel
4. Weight remains on balls of feet
5. Keep your grip pressure constant


1. Turn left hip then follow with arms and shoulders
2. Keep head still
3. Consistent spine angle
4. Move firmly onto left foot
5. Hit hard with your right hand


1. Shoulders slightly open
2. Left arm slightly flexed
3. Hips half-facing target
4. Right knee kicked in
5. Weight on left foot


1. Strong grip

2. Rotate forearms
3. Toe of the club should pass the heel
4. Raise the right foot
5. Belt buckle facing the target
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