Standing Up in the Backswing

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Is there a trick or a drill to help get over standing up in the backswing? I seem to be having trouble turning around my spine. Instead I want to stand up to complete my backswing. I learned many years ago to reach for the sky on the backswing; unfortunately, it has caused me to standup rather than rotate. Any advice?
without seeing your swing it is tough to really pinpoint the culprit.

I would really sink my weight into my feet, make sure that my center of gravity is not too high. Build up what feels like a very sturdy base for your address position, If you stand up from there you will probably feel yourself doing it and be able to stop it.


Reaching for the sky always resulted in me lifting up a bit on the backswing. When I started swinging without trying to get my hands as high as possible the problem went away.
I had a tendency to raise up more in the backswing because I was hunched over the ball. Now I am striving for more of a visible curve in my lower back at address when viewed from DTL because when I have better posture at address I am able to rotate around more.
Thanks for everyone's comments! I think that Kevin was right. I re-read Brian's old article on the perfect pivot. I think that, because I worry about length, I have a tendency to over-turn, which when also trying to keep my head centered, causes a little reverse pivot. The problem is not so much standing up on the backswing as standing up on the downswing to make room for the club given the reverse pivot. Sometimes, as well, when I focus on limiting the turn of my shoulders, I forget to turn my hips. This also causes the need to stand up to get around my hips on the downswing. Golf! One damn thing after another!
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