Steeper plane for more speed?

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Is there anyway to simply go hit the ball consistently with good distance and not have to think about any of these things? Steep plane, axis tilt, throwing arm, pivot, etc-etc... How do you get some swing that you just walk up and hit the ball and it goes where you want.

Is there anyway to simply go hit the ball consistently with good distance and not have to think about any of these things? Steep plane, axis tilt, throwing arm, pivot, etc-etc... How do you get some swing that you just walk up and hit the ball and it goes where you want.

pick one method. practice only that. forget about every other method. some people never get any better because they have one off day and then start tinkering when they were just off that day.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Is there anyway to simply go hit the ball consistently with good distance and not have to think about any of these things? Steep plane, axis tilt, throwing arm, pivot, etc-etc... How do you get some swing that you just walk up and hit the ball and it goes where you want.

As a kid I remember hitting a baseball. You simply walk up "keep your eye on the ball" and hit it. Where the heck is this kind of simplicity for the golf swing? I'm not talking about hitting a cut or a fade - simply "making contact" with the stupid little ball straight down the fairway and "getting it in play." Why can't anyone make something so after a week or two of practice Joe-sixpack (or Joe the Plumber) can pick up a club and get the ball on to the green???

A good, light grip 15 degrees closed in your hand, a lagging club takeaway, a nice fall, and a toss. Wait a minute, sounds like something ive heard before:cool:
This is too funny that this thread got pulled up a few days ago.
Over the past year, I have been infatuated with trying to get a 1-planish, flat swing.
I've had a few decent rounds, one very good one which was all short game, but by and large I was still double crossed on my misses, and my ball striking was hot & cold.

I got to reading some of Jack's Golf My Way, and remembered the whole high swing thought from last year. I play the ball closer to the left heel, stance is a little narrower and I feel as though I am just going straight to the top with the left arm and turning in response to that feeling. When the left shoulder stops turning, I hammer into the ball.

Boom, my trajectory is back to being real high, my ball stays on a line, and the quality of my shots is much better. I feel like I am less in control, but my ball-flight is saying otherwise.

Now if I can just stay away from threads and topics that have anything to do with flat swings, maybe I'll be ok.
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