Strange findings.

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Hey guys.

Played with a friend today who used to play a lot as a kid and just started playing again.. Anyways check this out!

During the round he was hitting it 20 yards past me all day. So after the round in the parking lot i grab my swing radar out of the truck and ask him to swing a few times...

His swing speed was 85 MPH max!! I swing and as usual it reads 98 to 103 .. I asked him to swing harder and again the same 85 MPH.. So the range is right next to us and we walk down there and grab a ball .. He tee's one up and BAM 112 MPH

He says he made the same swing he just made in the parking lot. So what is going on here?
Typical carrot on a stick effect. When your buddy was swinging at air he knew that he wasn't going to have an outcome therefore not optimal effort/timing. Drop a ball in front and now all of the sudden there is an effect after the cause. He is timing the release much better and using extra focus that he didn't use when the outcome was already predetermined.

Also, typically when there is a predetermined outcome (no ball) people tend to work to impress...Especially, after not playing for a while, i bet your friend was very concerned about how he looked vs. his swing speed. And then when he was hitting an actual ball with an outcome that was dependent on his swing - beauty was his last thought.
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I think that makes sense Thompson .. The device isn't bad that im aware of.. I use it all the time and it's always pretty accurate .
I think it had something to do with an actual ball being there and timing his release or putting torque on the shaft in some way..

Like i said he was bombing it past me all day . Couldn't believe my eyes when his top speed was 85 without a ball.
The SSR states in the manual:

"Swinging in air" without a ball is a satisfactory way to make relative measurements of swing speed changes or improvements. However, without a ball or equivalent target, the release of the club or bat is not as controlled as that which occurs when actually hitting a ball. Golfers in particular might notice a 5 to 10% lower swing speed when swinging without a ball. Therefore, when practicing "in the backyard," away from the range or course, use a plastic or foam practice ball to provide a hitting target if swing speed comparisons are to be made with actual ball contact swings.
Brian and JT gave the most likely causes, but...

If he is aware that his 20 yards by you all day is getting your goat a little, he might have just been playing along. :)

I had to smile when reading the your original post. If a friend is wanting to take me to his trunk to put me on a device in the parking lot, it would be hard not to sandbag it like he did. :)

Bad device... quite possible
Carrot/stick... another good possibility
Having your chain pulled... very likely
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