Suggestions for next edition of TGM

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Looking at the books content which is pretty much unsurpassed in quality. I have to say that while the language is difficult, it is not as non-understandable as I thought it was going to be.

I think the one thing which hurts the selling value is to do with that womans swing sequence which to the naked eye of the golfers looks not very appealing. While she might demonstrate the concepts within the book perfectly, the majority of people that buy this book will be self taught golfers who dream of being able to hit beautiful shots with a beautiful swing. The first thing that inspires these people is a great 'looking' swing....

I find the text formatting also pretty flat. You want to create an easier on the eye 'look' than just the solid black and white which brings an impregnable feeling to the text. Use of some colour photographs with a tour player here and there will help boost its selling power....

If you have a kid, imagine it at christmas time. If you found a piece of junk to give and wrapped it well and then had a pearl necklace and wrapped it in a crisp (potato chips for U.S.A'ers) packet. The book contents is the quality of the gift and the packaging is the presentation. The well wrapped piece of junk is basically what most people would open first - its got nice pictures...etc and the golf machine while im not saying the presentation is drastic, just improvable... represents the badly wrapped pearl necklace :)


Your point is well taken. However, do you remember how "ugly" those Ping clubs looked when they first came out. Except that after people discovered how well they worked, Ping's became "beautiful".

Having said that, I do think The Golfing Machineis the equivialent of a King James Version Bible -- the truth is in there but it is sometimes hard to dig it out. I would like to see an "NIV" version.

A question: Aren't golf "books" the worst media to communicate golf ideas? Isn't video/dvd the best way now?
quote:Originally posted by rwh
[A question: Aren't golf "books" the worst media to communicate golf ideas? Isn't video/dvd the best way now?

I think a "companion DVD" to the book could be a great asset. It's like Yoda's thread on Chuck's forum on The Magic of the Right Forearm. When he posted those pictures of the dowel drills, you could almost hear the collective fog lift. Suddenly it was a sunny day on Dagobah!:)
Are there copyright issues that keep Holenone and Brian from getting together and writing TGM for Dummies? Is that why it hasn't been done? Or is this a matter of capital? If so, we could form an investment LLC to fund the venture. I'm sure we could get members from this forum. I'm in for 1%.



In order for a very technical book like this to sell well, Tiger Ernie, or Phil would have to become it's poster boy. Elkington and Clampett just don't cut the mustard. Perhaps if one used photos of Anna Rawson in a beach volleyball uniform to demonstate lag.
quote:Originally posted by DDL

In order for a very technical book like this to sell well, Tiger Ernie, or Phil would have to become it's poster boy. Elkington and Clampett just don't cut the mustard. Perhaps if one used photos of Anna Rawson in a beach volleyball uniform to demonstate lag.

Truth doesn't need phil, ernie or tiger. You will see several TGM-ish books in the next few years. I just know it. This is the TGM century.

The last thing needed is a high profile "model." I have produced or been part of several instructional books (golf-baseball-soccer-etc) and the high profile "talent" is what sells the book. Nobody would front the money and publish a book without one. But in this case, who is the talent? Some glamour pga tour pro or some Kelley disciple who knows his stuff?

Now Rawson, yeah she can hang out with us, [8D]
Now Rawson, yeah she can hang out with us, [8D]

Yes, Rawson is truly a sight to behold, but I will still stick with Dianne.

Whenever I see her 10-15-A, I get very weak and shakey in my 10-16-0 ;)


quote:Originally posted by Triad

Now Rawson, yeah she can hang out with us, [8D]

Yes, Rawson is truly a sight to behold, but I will still stick with Dianne.

Whenever I see her 10-15-A, I get very weak and shakey in my 10-16-0 ;)

I'm smitten by Dianne's tennis outfit -- well, by the shoes anyway -- in 8-3 through 8-12. I'm just not a loafer guy (8-1 and 8-2 and almost everywhere else).

Homer Kelley: "Hmmm...It's only been six years since the last Kodak Moment and everything ought to be right here in this closet. Here we are. Got the shirt. Got the skirt. Now, where did I put those loafers?"

After a futile search...

"Sally, do you have a pair of loafers we could use for a couple minutes?"

Sally Kelley: "No, but I've got those old blue sneakers."

Homer: "They'll do!"



Perhaps one of the best formats to sell TGM with is on interactive CD - full of animations with narration, real life demonstrations of application, perhaps even have tests on the knowledge gained. Perhaps Ben, Yoda and Brian could do some swing analysis to some top name golfers.... You could really create a packed CD - obviously the main part would be the TGM texts and the explanations, but as your looking to expand to a bigger business and to make TGM 'THE' instruction book its all about getting it out there .... thus marketing.


quote:Originally posted by Mathew

Perhaps one of the best formats to sell TGM with is on interactive CD - full of animations with narration, real life demonstrations of application, perhaps even have tests on the knowledge gained. Perhaps Ben, Yoda and Brian could do some swing analysis to some top name golfers.... You could really create a packed CD - obviously the main part would be the TGM texts and the explanations, but as your looking to expand to a bigger business and to make TGM 'THE' instruction book its all about getting it out there .... thus marketing.

[Bold by holenone.]

You are wise beyond your years, Mathew. [^]

Brian Manzella

I am all for The FIRST Golfing Machine Summit being held just prior to this year's PGA Teaching and Coaching Summit.

Moderator: Brian Manzella

Day 1: AI's only
Day 2: Students welcome
Day 3: Teaching students

I'm in....who's next?


quote:Originally posted by brianman

I am all for The FIRST Golfing Machine Summit...

Me, too. I know Danny Elkins, co-owner of TGM, LLC, has this as a high priority. Let's prime the pump!
I was thinking of something very similar the other day.

An interactive CD with all of the text of TGM with LINKS FOR REFERENCES to make looking through the book easier. Articles, explanations, and pictures/video of everything.

I also thought a cool idea would be to have some type of 3D animation program with every TGM component built into it. It would be kind of like ModelGolf's software, but you could customize the model to use any component or variation. You could draw lines, planes, and arcs and move the camera all around to see every angle. You could then put the TGM ideas into a "real world" scenario to see how things actually look and work on a real person. This would let people actually SEE the differences between different plane angles, delivery paths, loading/releasing, hinging, etc. etc. etc.
So none of this can be done without Danny Elkins and Joe Daniels involvement? What is their position and what do they have in mind? I would like to volunteer for submitting my swing sequence for the new publication as an example of clubhead throwaway.



I seriously think someone should - Hell, maybe I should look over java and flash again.... I would quite be willing to do it as a pet project if (and this is an if) brian and yoda would help (and its not an easy undertaking)...

This is an idea of what could be included

The text from the golfing machine....Broken up and rearranged - Computer Naration included...
The real Key concepts of TGM - Animated and Human Narrated
Tour Swings - Gigantic Database of maybe 50 pros and their swings disected by Yoda and Brian....
Some real video footage of brian and yoda....demonstrations....
Im not too sure about the 3D on the components but I would love to add this if I could....

I would need help because even though my English skills aren't terrible - they aren't the best either... Yoda might be able to help me here....

If I did do this then and it was to be sold - I want some (only some) share of the PROFIT ....

If there is a programmer here - plz respond here with your email...
If you're putting Tiger's other tour pro's swing sequence in the book, wouldn't you need his authorization? release? that you mention it, seems you would need a good attorney to help with the copyright and trademark issues...... I charge a modest hourly rate.

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