SURVEY: List the factors that would move low point forward

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Vertical Swing Plane

Club being used

Weight distribution throughout swing, particularly impact.

Cranium - if the head moves more toward the target on the downswing vs. moving away from the target on the downswing.

I have some more, but not as certain on those.

Proper timing and release sequence.
Neutral to strongish left hand grip.
Bent right wrist at impact.
Rotated shoulder turn.
Delayed hip action.
Delayed pivot turn.
Drive loading.
Float loading.
Turning shoulder plane.
Reverse loop plane shift.
Forward shaft lean at impact.
Swinging the handle left.
Releasing the right side post/leg/knee/hip.
Fats---Force across the shaft.
Left shoulder high/behind/in at impact.
Right shoulder the opposite at impact but mostly downish.
Weight traveling toward the left heel at impact.
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#1 lagging clubhead, my version i try to stop the club on the ground a foot past the ball on BS then continue to the top
#2 horizontal hinge going thru (not TW picking up marbles)
#3 perfect pivot - i use a board behind the ball works for angle of attack
#4 "The point" on the follow thru
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