Well you can change your ball position, your alignment, your arm-swing, or your pivot.
Putting the ball further back in your stance will cause you to approach the ball a bit more from the inside. You will also be hitting down on it a bit more.
You could move your right foot back away from the target line in your setup which will open up your hips and shoulders in the backswing and generally cause you to approach the ball more from the inside.
You could intentionally drop your right elbow low on the forward swing, underneath the left elbow causing you to flatten out the plane and generally swing more from the inside. Another way to accomplish this is to think of pointing your left elbow out to the right for as long as possible in the forward swing.
Or you could stall your pivot by keeping your right foot planted on the ground longer in the forward swing. Some people prefer a "roll onto this inside part of the back foot" and keep the heel on the ground. That is what helps them use less lower body turn late in the downswing.