Swing Assistance (Videos Included)

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Well, more toward that type of finish. Straight up and down works too. Brian explains it nicely in this video...
I tried it. Hit snap hooks mostly.

Well you can change your ball position, your alignment, your arm-swing, or your pivot.

Putting the ball further back in your stance will cause you to approach the ball a bit more from the inside. You will also be hitting down on it a bit more.

You could move your right foot back away from the target line in your setup which will open up your hips and shoulders in the backswing and generally cause you to approach the ball more from the inside.

You could intentionally drop your right elbow low on the forward swing, underneath the left elbow causing you to flatten out the plane and generally swing more from the inside. Another way to accomplish this is to think of pointing your left elbow out to the right for as long as possible in the forward swing.

Or you could stall your pivot by keeping your right foot planted on the ground longer in the forward swing. Some people prefer a "roll onto this inside part of the back foot" and keep the heel on the ground. That is what helps them use less lower body turn late in the downswing.
Thanks for the suggestions, but the TrackMan data seemed to indicate that I was already hitting significantly from the inside (at least on the irons). Do the videos indicate otherwise? My misses have gone from being pulls to hooks. I believe the club-face is closing too quickly and the path is going too far in-to-out.

Find a slight downhill lie and try and hit cut shots (ball that starts left of intended target a curves back to target) and maybe with a forward ball position if it helps you.
This should give you a sense of extension from the ground up through the whole left side of your body through impact.

Kind of like a modified yellow brick road sequence of opening up hips, hands and slightly open clubface through the ball.
In Never Hook Again you will find yellow brick road and another good drill "hit the ball after the ball".

Another feel to get swinging left is to open up at least 45* to your target and hit the biggest fade you can to get the ball to the target. Remember how the path feels as you move back to your normal set up.
I tried it. Hit snap hooks mostly.

Thanks for the suggestions, but the TrackMan data seemed to indicate that I was already hitting significantly from the inside (at least on the irons). Do the videos indicate otherwise? My misses have gone from being pulls to hooks. I believe the club-face is closing too quickly and the path is going too far in-to-out.

Then just do the opposite of what I mentioned.


Although I appreciate all the suggestions, I'm getting confused. I don't know which suggestions are valid or invalid. Since Brian seems reluctant to do internet lessons, is there no-one out there that I can pay to analyse my swing videos? I feel like I have spotted a few areas of concern but need a second opinion.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Well, here are the first swing videos recorded with the Casio EX-FH25. Thoughts?


Has anyone mentioned how hard you load it in the transition? Very hard to sustain that early load through the ball.
Although I appreciate all the suggestions, I'm getting confused. I don't know which suggestions are valid or invalid. Since Brian seems reluctant to do internet lessons, is there no-one out there that I can pay to analyse my swing videos? I feel like I have spotted a few areas of concern but need a second opinion.

Just listen to Kevin Shields and you'll be fine. :)

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Just an observation but you are back on your left foot really fast and you bend the club alot in the transition. Also, when you bend it, you are loading it kinda steep. Therefore, you shallow it out (back it up to inside out path) and it unloads a little early (because it was loaded so aggressively) causing wild hooks.

No science to back this up btw. Just an opinion/hunch.

How stiff are your shafts?
To my eye.

Too much hip slide, not enough jump. The loss of angle might be maintained if..
Left leg straightens more rather than participates in hip slide, and...
Left shoulder participates even more in the "rock-em sock-em robots".

Both of these would create more forward shaft lean and compression.



Just an observation but you are back on your left foot really fast and you bend the club alot in the transition. Also, when you bend it, you are loading it kinda steep. Therefore, you shallow it out (back it up to inside out path) and it unloads a little early (because it was loaded so aggressively) causing wild hooks.

No science to back this up btw. Just an opinion/hunch.

How stiff are your shafts?
Generally, I use True Temper DG X100 shafts in my irons but in this particular video I was using an Apollo Hump S (which is meant to be significantly tip stiff).

What you have mentioned above makes sense, but what do I do about it?
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