Swing Fads

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IMPOSSIBLE....listen, stack and tilt is great, it's a option that works great for people who lean too far right and swing too far right. BAsically you take a leaning hooker and make them exaggerate a lean left and wala, you get them to lean less and swing more left and like magic, you are god cuz they don't hook it anymore. Same thing will hapeen if ytou watch NHA.

You can't take Jason Gore who has an over the top hold on fade type shot and teach him this, HE'LL GET WORSE, which he admitted, and why he stopped.

Stack and tilt will work great FOR A CERTAIN TYPE of golfera nd Gore isn't one of theml.

end rant
He is set in his ways anyway.Nice guy though.


IMPOSSIBLE....listen, stack and tilt is great, it's a option that works great for people who lean too far right and swing too far right. BAsically you take a leaning hooker and make them exaggerate a lean left and wala, you get them to lean less and swing more left and like magic, you are god cuz they don't hook it anymore. Same thing will hapeen if ytou watch NHA.

You can't take Jason Gore who has an over the top hold on fade type shot and teach him this, HE'LL GET WORSE, which he admitted, and why he stopped.

Stack and tilt will work great FOR A CERTAIN TYPE of golfera nd Gore isn't one of theml.

end rant


Stack and tilt is a push draw swing by design.


So they teach only one pattern? Nope sorry they don't Grant plays a cut from the left side of the target. So does Mac. They just don't put that out, I would bet on that.

dana i agree totally-why give away all secrets to a magazine??? if you want the info you pay
IMPOSSIBLE....listen, stack and tilt is great, it's a option that works great for people who lean too far right and swing too far right. BAsically you take a leaning hooker and make them exaggerate a lean left and wala, you get them to lean less and swing more left and like magic, you are god cuz they don't hook it anymore.

Thanks for illuminating this... I can see how Stack and Tilt would benefit an agile tour pro who tends to move off the ball on the backswing, that I can follow. What I don't get are the raging Stack and Tilt success stories from high handicappers, most of whom do not lean too far right, but rather stay frozen over the ball and reverse pivot. It seems unlikely that the method is a magic bullet for two opposite swing tendencies. I have a sneaking suspicion that for a lot of high handicappers, Stack and Tilt amounts to reverse pivot management, a method of getting a sharper strike while reverse pivoting.
Thanks for illuminating this... I can see how Stack and Tilt would benefit an agile tour pro who tends to move off the ball on the backswing, that I can follow. What I don't get are the raging Stack and Tilt success stories from high handicappers, most of whom do not lean too far right, but rather stay frozen over the ball and reverse pivot. It seems unlikely that the method is a magic bullet for two opposite swing tendencies. I have a sneaking suspicion that for a lot of high handicappers, Stack and Tilt amounts to reverse pivot management, a method of getting a sharper strike while reverse pivoting.

You can probably credit these "success" stories to one of two things:

1. Baloney. Just like all the guys who raved over Hardy's One-Plane "genius," they probably hit it better for a day and then it went away.

2. The bit in Golf Digest about more of a reverse C finish and/or the bit about a more inside takeaway and/or the fact that this gets them to hit down on the ball more helped. And again, maybe only for a day ;).
Swing "Du Jour"

Let me throw out a hypothetical to the forum. What if Golf Digest, Golf Magazine, Golf Tips, etc, etc no longer existed? You go to the magazine rack and not a single golf instructional magazine was to be found. Then.... let's assume all golf instruction books were banned from being published or purchased! No more "Golf My Way", "8-Step Swing", "Little red/green/blue (insert color) book", etc, etc. Do handicaps go up, down, or stay the same?

Let's face it, it's difficult enough to find an instructor who knows what he's doing, and that's if your a student of the game, who has a clue, and truly understands that not all instructors are created equal. I bet those folks represent about 3 to 5 percent of the golfing population. Everyone else relys on the golf mags and instruction books.

I for one wish I had found Homer's work a long time ago. Actually I bought the book in the mid-80's, but couldn't understand it until forums such as Brian's came about. To me it does the best job at truly boiling the swing down to what's really happening and what should be happening. But, my reaction (and I'm hardcore when it comes to studying the swing) was "what in the heck is THIS book!?". It isn't perfect, but it has a lot of sound information. Does it obsolete every other magazine, book, and video that gets marketed? Nah..... but even if a lot of the information put forth in those things is subjective (and perhaps even inacurrate for certain players).... what else does the average golfer have???? These attempts at identifying swing techiques certainly have some marketing behind them, but what's wrong with that? At least they are making an attempt to help golfers improve. Short of having access to a Manzella (or any number of QUALIFIED instructors) I just don't know what else the golfing masses have to help them hit the ball better.

Let's face it, it's difficult enough to find an instructor who knows what he's doing, and that's if your a student of the game, who has a clue, and truly understands that not all instructors are created equal. I bet those folks represent about 3 to 5 percent of the golfing population. Everyone else relys on the golf mags and instruction books.

No question about that. The incompetence is unbelievable.
Speaking of swing fads, does anyone know anything about Straight Line Golf? There is a local training center that promotes and teaches this method. They say it is single-axis and derived from Moe Norman. Just curious if there is any validity to this pattern or if it is another fad. If this question violates the rules of posting please remove, I am not trying to promote this. I am just in the process of trying to find a local instructor that compliments Brian's videos and this site, and I have no idea what this is.
stack and tilt

This information is not P&B"s information at all no matter what anyone says!
It is A VERYSMALL PART of Mac's information...PERIOD! They learned it all from Mac. I do know this 100%.


My Question about

How i may contact admin this site? I have a question.
I've started doing a more pressure left pattern with my short iron/wedges, and it rapidly improved my game from 150 and in. I saw a youtube clip with Snead doing a similar move, but not the s&t, and decided to incorporate it into my game. I'm hitting my irons crisp for the first time in 18 months. I'm basically pinching everything, and hitting lower spinnier shots that bite the green.

Not bad for a seldom golfer.
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