Swing Glove: Brian, others?

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Anyone have experience with the swing glove? Do you think it is a good way to train a flat left wrist throughout, or does it seem hard on the wrist?


swing glove

A credit card inside your glove would save you some money. Better yet the tac- tic will monitor it and you will have to do it yourself.

mrodock said:
Anyone have experience with the swing glove? Do you think it is a good way to train a flat left wrist throughout, or does it seem hard on the wrist?




mrodock said:
Anyone have experience with the swing glove? Do you think it is a good way to train a flat left wrist throughout, or does it seem hard on the wrist?



Credit card is OK. Brian used that one a lot at the Orlando school.

I am not a fan of the tac-tic and the opinions differ from user to user. I broke mine some time ago and my biggest complaint is that it took a fair amount of effort to make the clicking noise. Thus, you could have some throwaway but wouldn't know (or hear it).

I am intrigued by the swing glove and my concern with this product is that golf gloves don't last very long. Isn't this training aid like 30 or 40 bucks? I'd hate to spend that much and have it wear out in a few weeks.

All your comments echo my experiences. You can get the swing glove for a little cheaper off ebay.


Regarding the tac-tic - I like to wear a sweatband under the half that touches the forearm so it will break easier. I even double up the sweatband to really force a flat wrist...


tbarbertab said:
Regarding the tac-tic - I like to wear a sweatband under the half that touches the forearm so it will break easier. I even double up the sweatband to really force a flat wrist...

I never thought of doing that, but it makes pefect sense!

Brian Manzella

One day...

I am going to design something that works.

All of these are OK, but the BEST WAY is just "learning it."

INHO, however, thecredit card works best and is FEATURED in "Never Slice Again 2.0," coming to a store near you.

(But available here first ;))
Steak Knife? - how about some Razor Blades? The "Pavlov" school of Golf Instruction. How about some 'Electric Shock Therapy'. Lose the FLW and get a little 'jolt' to remind you.

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I have one, but i really wanted more feedback from it. The trainer in the glove seemed to slide around the top of my hand and not give me the feedback i wanted. I think something firmer , like a wooden ruler but not as long would be better.
All those aids work to varying degrees but why not address the real problem for most golfers who flip - why are the muscles in the right wrist and forearm creating the flip in the first place and how can we learn to inhibit that muscle contraction? There are several root causes but the main one is the mistaken perception that you must make a sideways across the chest motion with your upper arms, lower arms, wrists/hands and golf club during the Impact interval. If you truly understand Down Force, ie lever action down towards the ground - not directed at the ball or in the target direction, you will never flip badly again.

Jim Waldron
I find the tic-tac more sensitive to use it on the right hand. I make sure it clicks on the backswing and doesn't release on the followthrough.
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