Damn where do I begin *L* You have absolutely no dynamics in your swing.No weight shift. Your swing is so slow there is no cluhead momentum to take advantage of .You push you left arm away from your chest destroying the #4 accumulator. You have a flat left wrist and a "closed" cluface at the top which is not a bad thing (Works great for David Duval and currently for myself). U really need to work on your footwork. Watch videos on youtube of pros in real time NOT slow motion. SLow motion destroys your ability to see tempo, timing and rhythm. At address bend your right elbow (don't keep it straight, this takes your club outside the baseline and pushes your left upper arm away from your chest during the takeaway). Take the club away with your left shoulder rotating downward while also shifting your weight to your right foot and keeping that bent right elbow close to your side.Let the momentum of the club carry you to a full 90 degree shoulder turn or better. Use what Jum McClean calls the X factor stretch ie as you approach the top of the backswing let the momentum of the club continue turning your shoulders further into your back swing while simultaneously shifting your weight to your left side. This will help get u on plane in the downswing so you won't go over the top and pull shots left. Let the turning of the body pull your hands arms and club around to impact. DO NOT try adding power with your hands/wrists. Your wrists only hold on to the club they do not HIT. If you hit with your hands , with such a strong grip and closed clubface, you will HOOK the ball into the next county. Keep those hands soft and quiet. If you grip the club too tightly you will hinder centrifugal force and the clubshaft will not release (form a straight line with your left arm at impact). Again learn to move more dynamically on your feet and utilize the momentum of the club during the backswing and start your downswing before your backswing is completed and keep those hands soft and quiet. This is a laymans explanation without too much mumbo jumbo technical bs. hope it helps
ps-so much is written about keeping your head still. I think you concentrate so much on it that is why u have no weight shift.For now don't worry too much about moving the head laterally. As you shift your weight let the head move for now. As you learn to shift your weight more efficiently and develope better swing dynamics, you can then fine tune the head movement. One note tho, try not to move the head UP and Down too much. Many beginner do that because they straighten their right leg when shifting weight in the backswing. Keep the bend in your right knee during the backswing and downswing. The method I have described here works well with a strong grip(2 to 3 knuckles showing on your left hand) , a flat left wrist at the top and a closed clubface at the top (just as you are doing in the video). However if you decide to add power with your hands you will hook the hell out of the ball. Remember...loose , soft hands. Hands just hold on to the club and must allow centrifugal force to work it's magic NOT hinder it. Study David Duval's swing on youtube. His swing is my swing and is the model for this response .