I am self taught. Through trial and error ( and forums like this)I discovered some things that work great and some things that just don't hold up under pressure (for me).One thing I learned early was that hooding the club(keeping it square if you will) in the first half of the swing worked great in my short game.I then decided to look at the pro's and find one that hoods the club. I found Duval. Studied him endless hours and through trial and error found what worked and didn't work. My slightly bent right arm at address is used as guide to get me on plane on the backswing and back on plane on the downswing. It's hard to explain. I feel as if my right elbow acts as a fulcrum for my left side to either push against in the backswing and pull against in the downswing.It simply acts as a plane guide is the best way i can put it.It also stays close tomy side, does not fly at the top. My right hand produces no power.It very lightly holds on to the club. Power comes from the body and the utilizing the kinematic sequence as Hogan described in his book.
Trevino said that pressure is a 5 dollar nassau when you only have 3 dollars in your pocket. If I think that I have a method that works I put it to the "Trevino test" as I call it. This method has worked great for ME. It may ruin your game.
Sorry the non TGM nomenclature
Is it like that Taly guy's method or any similarities to it?