Redgoat said:
It is also a great way to screw up your back, be careful...
Hi Redgoat & all
Is this the best place to ask Redgoat questions?
Can you or somebody else send me a link to your swing video forum?
I also have a question about my bad back.
First of all, I used to be as low as a 2.9 handi up until three years ago (had kids). Have broken 70 about once a year before that. Been playing for 15 years.
For the last six months I have been beating balls using information from this forum. My drives (which have been so inconsistent in the past) are better than ever.
However, I've probably been overdoing the axis tilt on the downswing. on video, I see that the clubhead and clubshaft are near perfectly on the elbow plane early on the downswing and through followthrough. I think it's the axis tilt which helps me get on this elbow plane. Now, after getting so used to this (and hurting my back), if I don't tilt enough my clubhead and shaft come in well above plane. My question is: if I don't want to tilt as much, how do I still get my clubhead and shaft back to this elbow plane on the downswing?