Pretty good, however you also need to identify the student as a true hooker or someone who is a leakge hooker who is playing a timed flip draw where if they didn't, they'd slice it. For those people, even though they are (leakage) hooking it, you need to give them the NSA treatment.
Just to understand the terminology, is a "leakage hooker" is someone who swings too much to left field and still tries to play his draw/hook (with bad shots thus being pull hooks) by someone having a typical slicer swing path, but just has enough clubface control to avoid slicing? or does "leakage hooking" just mean you hook by flipping regardless of swing path?
I don't think I have much flipping left in my impact, but I was someone hitting a hook that at best started at target and moved left or started left and went more left. Brian had me working on eliminating slide of hips on takeway, getting arms closer to body on takeway, and a less tripod-like pivot all to get me access to inside of the ball at impact -- even though I've never sliced and always tried to play a draw (albeit a "pull draw" if that is not an oxymoron).
thanks, niblick1
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