Jared Willerson
Super Moderator
Good lookin' motion there Rico.
Good lookin' motion there Rico.
I usually slice or pull the driver and FW woods....pull most irons. Actually, when I'm at my worst at this...I am all over the place.
When this happens, I really focus on twistaway and I seem to clam down some and hit better shots....still pullling most irons, especially short irons.
I seem to drift in and out of OOT...from not at all to very heavy.
Thanks, Rico. Do you have the rest of the video that includes the backswing? If so, I'd love to see it. If not, do you take the club away on that same plane or it is a shallower plane going back and steeper on the downswing? The downswing looks similar to my old swing, but I took the club away shallower than the TSP.
Erik, regarding the twist-away: are you talking about rolling the left forearm for a right hander on the backswing? If so, doesn't that lead to a very open clubface at the top, requiring an equally dramatic counter-roll compensation to close it on the downswing?
what is your first move down? If it is a hip bump...what is the bump??? I don't understand bump.
Is it drop the arms straight down? Is it return the elbow to the hip?
I think a lot of my struggle is that first move down. I believe I get the shoulders moving first that causes OOT.
I wouldn't invest in that sort of training aid. What if you are single or double shifter?