Swing Speed

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Today I had my swing speed measured at 70 MPH. I hit the ball between 190 and 220 yards, with a driver. Does anyone have numerical data that translates MPH to yards. I have read and heard that for every mile the club travels, the ball goes 3 yards. If so, how do I increase my swing speed. Thank you.
The chart in Tour Tempo says 80 Mph = 185 yards of carry. Each mph adds 2.3 yards. By the way what do people here think of the Tour Tempo book ? In a nutshell, John Novosel (the author) says that the pros all swing with a 3/1 ratio, backswing to downswing, and that the amount of time it takes is from .9 to 1.2 seconds. He has some music to swing to which is in these ratios/timings. I was suprised that Ernie Els, for instance swings in 1.06 seconds, the same speed as Greg Norman. Apparently the smoothness of Ernie's swing makes it look slower than it really is.

Brian Manzella

What it means is this:

The ball responds to BOTH of these two speeds:

Clubhead speed at impact
Clubhead speed at SEPARATION (when the ball leaves).


You CAN swing 119 mph at impact and hit it FARTHER
than someone swinging 126....

Like Daly and Woods...

MORE MASH, more SUSTAINing THE Line of Compression=

More distance!
This is the fastest I can swing and stay in balance. When I try to swing faster I screw myself into the ground. Thank you for your response. I have never heard it put that way before.Jim
"An interesting paradox: If you feel like the swing has high speed it probably doesn't and if you feel like you are coasting smoothly and completely to the finish you most likely have profound speed."

Remember you want to feel 'low speed, high thrust' and not quick and fast.


quote:Originally posted by Jim Blackwell

Today I had my swing speed measured at 70 MPH. I hit the ball between 190 and 220 yards, with a driver. Does anyone have numerical data that translates MPH to yards. I have read and heard that for every mile the club travels, the ball goes 3 yards. If so, how do I increase my swing speed. Thank you.


Here's my Rx for your Clubhead Speed problem.

From the Top of your swing, do these three things:

First, Drag the Butt End of the Club toward the Target Line somewhere behind the Ball. Makes no difference at what spot, just Drag the Club toward the Target Line behind the Ball;

Second, almost immediately after you've begun to Drag the Club Down, let your Left Wrist Uncock, just like you were using your Left Wrist to sling a water bottle directly toward the Target Line behind the Ball;

Third, once you've felt the 'slinging' start, Roll your Hands on a Straight Line through the Ball.

Drag, Uncock and Roll, Jim. Got it?

Now do it!

Are there any good drills that I could do to increase the MASH of the ball? I feel like I do not hit down enough with irons. I take shallow divots. Thanks.


I think he is already uncocking the left wrist WAY too soon! He needs a max trigger delay, snap release, in order to "crack the whip".
I find that if I want to hit down more with irons, I just keep more weight on my left side(being a righthander) during the swing and definitely keep my left heel down, this puts me on a more descending path and I can hit irons very crisp, contacting the ball before turf. Also, move the ball back in your stance more to get the maximum ball striking before turf.
quote:Originally posted by holenone

quote:Originally posted by Jim Blackwell

Today I had my swing speed measured at 70 MPH. I hit the ball between 190 and 220 yards, with a driver. Does anyone have numerical data that translates MPH to yards. I have read and heard that for every mile the club travels, the ball goes 3 yards. If so, how do I increase my swing speed. Thank you.


Here's my Rx for your Clubhead Speed problem.

From the Top of your swing, do these three things:

First, Drag the Butt End of the Club toward the Target Line somewhere behind the Ball. Makes no difference at what spot, just Drag the Club toward the Target Line behind the Ball;

Second, almost immediately after you've begun to Drag the Club Down, let your Left Wrist Uncock, just like you were using your Left Wrist to sling a water bottle directly toward the Target Line behind the Ball;

Third, once you've felt the 'slinging' start, Roll your Hands on a Straight Line through the Ball.

Drag, Uncock and Roll, Jim. Got it?

Now do it!
Thank You. I will try that today. Jim


quote:Originally posted by MizunoJoe


I think he is already uncocking the left wrist WAY too soon! He needs a max trigger delay, snap release, in order to "crack the whip".

You're right, Mizuno Joe,

Jim is "Uncocking the Left Wrist way too soon." In fact, I'd be very surprised if he wasn't Uncocking right from the Top (the Hand Throw of 10-20-A). What he is not doing is Loading. The Drag from the Top will give him that. Then, by the time he's felt that Pull, he will have Delivered the Load far enough Down Plane to begin a Non-Automatic Random Sweep Release per 4-D-0.

There is no question that longer-term, Jim will achieve his Maximum Power by using a Snap Release with Maximum Trigger Delay. But that is way too much to expect from a Powerless Person. :) If he follows my advice, he will have a good chance at producing a Line Path Delivery (10-23) instead of a Circle Path (10-23-E); a Wrist Throw (10-20-E) instead of a Hand Throw (10-20-A); and a Non-Automatic Random Sweep Release (10-24-B) instead of a Full Sweep Release (10-24-A).

If he can make these improvements, then he will have made major progress. Then, he can continue his journey toward Golfing Perfection. The steps along the way would include:

1. Pushing the Non-Auto Random Sweep into an Auto Random Sweep (10-24-C);

2. Then, to Non-Auto Snap (10-24-D);

3. And finally to an Auto-Snap (10-24-E).

4. Along the way, he should make his Wrist Throw automatic by Triggering it with the Delivery Path Throw (10-20-D).

I write these words knowing that the above 'itinerary' for Jim's journey is sound. But the reality is that he needs much more than a Travel Agent.

He needs a competent Tour Guide.



quote:Originally posted by brianman

What it means is this:

The ball responds to BOTH of these two speeds:

Clubhead speed at impact
Clubhead speed at SEPARATION (when the ball leaves).


You CAN swing 119 mph at impact and hit it FARTHER
than someone swinging 126....

Like Daly and Woods...

MORE MASH, more SUSTAINing THE Line of Compression=

More distance!

More MASS - support the on plane swinging force

I agree that he should find an AI, since, otherwise, he will probably not blend in a proper Pivot with the upper body movements.


quote:Originally posted by MizunoJoe


I agree that he should find an AI, since, otherwise, he will probably not blend in a proper Pivot with the upper body movements.

A very astute observation, MizunoJoe.

Jim will attempt to do as I've instructed, i.e., Drag the Butt End of the Club Down Plane. Hopefully, this will get him Loading properly. For sure, it's a 'light years' improvement over his current Hand Throw from the Top.

But the best Loading -- whether the Swinger Loading the Left Wrist or the Hitter Loading the Right Elbow -- is always done by the Pivot. In other words, the Hands are 'left at the Top,' as the Pivot begins its forward motion. This is the only real assurance the player has that his Pivot will remain properly ahead of the Hands throughout the Downstroke.

Will Jim be able to do that on his own?

Probably not, but at least now he knows what to do.
quote:Originally posted by holenone

quote:Originally posted by MizunoJoe


I agree that he should find an AI, since, otherwise, he will probably not blend in a proper Pivot with the upper body movements.

But the best Loading -- whether the Swinger Loading the Left Wrist or the Hitter Loading the Right Elbow -- is always done by the Pivot. In other words, the Hands are 'left at the Top,' as the Pivot begins its forward motion. This is the only real assurance the player has that his Pivot will remain properly ahead of the Hands throughout the Downstroke.

Regarding optimum loading, does pivot actuation of forward motion apply only to swings w/zero shift from the turned shoulder plane?



quote:Originally posted by fmlutz


Are there any good drills that I could do to increase the MASH of the ball? I feel like I do not hit down enough with irons. I take shallow divots. Thanks.

I am not Brian but I asked this very question to him some time ago. He recommended that I hit balls out of deep divots making the divots deeper. It worked for me. To get mash you need to provide force through the ball to resist the resistance of the ball. It might be an idea just swinging the club DOWN into the ground and getting used to the thump. I am helping a friend at the moment with a picking problem and I getting him making a thumping noise when he hits the matt. Thump the deck then hit balls out of deep divots. I know Redgoat feels this is tough on the wrists so if you are frail don't over do it.
quote:Originally posted by brianman


Ball Speed = 100% Separation speed + 80ish% of impact speed with very little loft.

COR (Coefficient of Restitution) for golf balls is between .65 and .7 . When you start to get to .8 (80ish%), you are talking about the COR of a superball (.85). Then we would really hit some bombs.;)
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