Swinging faster... hitting it straighter?

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After struggling a bit contact wise with my irons, was down at the range today and made a few swings where i was trying to go for them at 100% of my swing speed. Was amazed at the results how good the contact was and how long and straight they were flying.

Anyone else experienced the same? i think i get too obsessed with manipulating the clubface with my hands and actually slow things down which creates more problems...
I've seen it happen quite a bit.

I have a friend who hits his 7-iron a legit 210 yards and is a + handicap. He tried to 'back off' on his swing in hopes of more accuracy and it just didn't work as well when he went full bore.

Acceleration in the golf swing to me is usually a good thing, if not a great thing, and if you try to back off a lot of times you just wind up 'lolli popping it.'

After struggling a bit contact wise with my irons, was down at the range today and made a few swings where i was trying to go for them at 100% of my swing speed. Was amazed at the results how good the contact was and how long and straight they were flying.

Anyone else experienced the same? i think i get too obsessed with manipulating the clubface with my hands and actually slow things down which creates more problems...

All the time for me, especially with the driver.
Same for me, over acceleration big time. What helped me was directing the force towards the ground. That works for me until I start bending the flight to the right.
Then I focus on swinging around the left leg/hip or more in that direction anyway.
Some people aren't meant to swing like Ernie Els.

It's why we have Price, Hogan, Moe, Tiger, Jack, Arnie, Player...

The list goes on and on.

If anyone bugs you too much hit them in the stomach.
Absolutely my experience. Seems like somtimes, when you have that day where your set up just feels perfect, you can swing nearly as hard as you want with great results - man I love those days! I have a short backswing because of some physical issues, but I fully accelerate through. Some people ( even 1 instructor ) have told me to slow it dow. Everytime I have tried, it was not pretty. feel like I decellerate, and tend to hit the ball fat. Now sometimes my transition is too fast, and I understand that I could smooth that out some, but that is different than swinging hard through the ball, at least to me?

I think, based on what I have seen, that swing tempo is very much a reflection on your natural personality. I do most things quickly and decisively and if I err on one side, it's going to fast. My best friend is nearly the opposite. He thinks ( way too much at times ) through everything, and he has a slow swing, and he should hit the ball much further than he does. ( tall & pretty thin & flexible - and 9 years younger!) Bottom line - if he tried to swing like me, it would be very ugly, and if swung like him - ughhh:D!
For me, it's not swinging faster, it's remembering to be athletic. In other words, I tend to get to loose-goosey, lazy. Tall, old, and have 1/2 pack abs.
When I remember the swing thought that emphasizes core, and legs, it seems that I can't feel my arms, and ball striking improves.
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