The Taly
What worked for me is some of the following things:
3. The Taly is the best training aid I've ever seen, and if there's one thing it cures is this. Best $70 you could spend.
This is a damn good tool.
I was tired of a flipper at my club back in '96 (Eddie Gold, you were a peach) and it spawned a homemade version. I actually submitted it for patent protection, but it was too cost prohibitive at the time.
There is another couple of gizmos like this on the market, but here's a way to build one.
Here's the recipe for a "Taly" like tool that will help you with your impact alignments. Certainly at slower speeds. GREAT for chipping and pitching.
1. Dry cleaner's slacks hanger (the kind with the stiff card board tube).
2. Velcro wrist or forearm bandage.
3. Tensor bandage style tape (any tape will do).
4. Pliers
A. Pull the wire ends out of each end of the card board tube.
B. Squeeze the ends of the hanger (that were in the tube) with the pliers so you can stuff both 10" arms of the hanger down the length of the tube. It should get pretty tight.
C. Leave the "J" hook sticking out with 1" of play (the spiral part).
D. Wrap tape around the "J" to where you have a flat surface due to the tape application.
D. Put Velcro wrist bandage about three inches up from your wrist on your target forearm.
E. Slide taped end of the "gizmo" under the Velcro and tighten.
F. Bend the steel to align the "indicator" (card board tube) parallel (on plane) to the shaft of your club and aim it about five inches ahead of your ball.
This shouldn't take more than 5 minutes.
The key is to learn to increase the distance from the shaft to the indicator during your back swing and keep that distance until the ball is gone. Great for putting too... don't let the gap between the indicator and the shaft change.
$7 for a decent Velcro wrist bandage at Walgreen's.
I've made about 20 of these over the years and usually give it to my student that needs it...