Matt 4-L
Thank you, Brian... for recognizing the contribution of those who copiously post their comments on your fine forum.
I'm closing in on 1,200 postings (and it might have been closer to 1,500 if not for my occasional imposed sojourns) and I'm thinking that I have made a modest contribution to your fine forum.
Now, I'm not saying you should do this, but what do you think about reimbursing the active forum members for their contributions... say 10¢ per valid posting...???
Now, I'm not asking that you pay me retroactively for my 1,200 past postings ($120), but only for future postings of quality... e.g. not one-liner twitter-blurts about silly feeelings, but something more substantial like mandrin, art and occasionally I provide. (You need not pay Academy cohorts).
Just think how many more comments you might get from all those who lurk but don't post ...!!!
How much shall we pay Brian for his thoughtful posts?