the backswing yips

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I don't know if you would really call it yips but over the years I have developed a nightmareish inabilty to just take the club back. I get over the ball, I am aimed and good to go and then I can't take the club back!
The voices in my head are screaming GO! but I just twitch and wiggle for what seems like an eternity (at least my friends say so) I then finally take it back and hit very good shots, but it has become a real source of embarassment for me and probable adds a half hour to my rounds...I am not kidding, I stand over the ball and in my head I say "1,2,3 go..go..go, damn start over 1,2,3, go, go, damn!" before I can actually hit the ball.
any helpful ideas would be appreciated.


Apply a forward press and consider that the start of your backswing. It's like a mini-backswing within a backswing.

(You have a constipated backswing ..;) )


Maybe some sort of preshot routine that is exactly the same every time. I take the exact same amount of time over the ball before each swing. As soon as the routine ends I swing. It's almost like the routine is part of my swing, and once it starts theres no turning back. No time to freeze over the ball.
perhaps the brain is too regulated, if there is such a thing:) your standing over the ball is becoming too static, not dynamic enough. it is like you are sedating yourself into a trance of non-action.

how about give this a try. stop counting numbers all together.

instead of counting 1, 2, 3,

at a good tempo (the way you used to count numbers),

1. turn your head to look at the target one last time.

2. turn your head back to look down at the clubface one last time.

3. then, just go (start the backswing).

so it is, look, look, go.

whatever you end up doing, just don't go down the same road as charles buckley:eek:
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There must of been some part of your old forward press that helped you begin your swing.
Maybe you could try a smaller version of the old move
And then smaller
and maybe then the start of your swing will be refined into only what you need

Was your old forward press a hands only or body only or both?

I like the brainstorming,
here is some more background
I had what I can remember as a hands forward press but i didn't know it until I saw it on video about 8 years ago and it had gotten pretty exagerated. a few years ago I started a lagging type takeaway which has resulted in very improved ball striking and for a brief period cured the problem. Then I used a reverse press to start and it worked for about 3 months. I tried a look at target, look at ball swing but it only lasted about 3 weeks. I am seeking out a sports Psychologist in Boca Raton, Dr, John McCauley, I am getting desperate because about 90% of the time I can hit really soilid shots but I am getting the lock up the rest and it is really embarassing to stand on the course while people make whisper comments about how long it takes me to hit it like I can't hear them. (I still take their money though :D) I can speed it up with a driver but Irons are the hardest or rather what I stand over the longest.

Have you ever tried a slight pre turn of the hips/right knee flex towards the left knee - towards the target ala nicklaus, palmer, player type move to initiate your backswing?
It's kind of like the back and forth drill without the hands/shoulders pre turned forward part, just the hips and knee.
This slight pre turn towards the target may give your lower body a jump start to your backswing.
Or it may just be an into the ground feeling of the left foot off the right foot.

And of course this information should be kept in the context of anything you may be working on in your current swing.
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