quote:Originally posted by bray
Four Barrels and Tongzilla,
Good responses!
Now to approach this from the player's point of view.....
I understand now that I should be striving for a true angled hinge(in line with the plane, or the club face is at a 45 degree angle to the baseline at a fixed point past impact we'll say 6 inches each time to get consistency and do a perfect machine hitting motion, and your are saying that the plane affects the rate of closing....
but if I strive for an angled hinge action that is closer to horizontal hinge action(let's say the club face is at a 65 degree angle to the baseline at a fixed point past impact we'll say 6 inches) the ball will go left won't it??
Is this correct, please help i'm trying to learn, because I think I can shape shots with my hitting motion just with hinge action.
Sorting Through the Duffer's Bible.
Your ability to shape shots using any Hinge Action is something all great players have -- impeccable Clubface control via Educated Hands.
To get the perfect rate of closing do this.
Stand straight up with your Left Arm straight in front of you, parallel to the ground, with your fingers pointing out, and the back of your Flat Left Wrist facing the "target".
Now keeping everything the same as above, swing your Left Arm like a door back and forth, keeping it parallel to the ground. Notice your Left Wrist is still Vertical -- hence a no roll feel.
Now continue to swing back and forth (you're looking like a mad-man now!!) per above, while bending down from the waist into a golf-like position.
Maintain the same no roll feel of the Left Wrist!
You are performing Angled Hinging perfectly, with the perfect rate of Clubface closing. Of course, your Flat Left Wrist mirrors whatever the Clubface does.
Experiment with different Plane Angles. The most important thing is to keep this no roll feel.
Notice I haven't mentioned anything about degrees, and inches. Just a no roll feel.
Now, to shape shots using the same Angled Hinge Action, simply experiment with different ball positions. To impart Hook-spin, place ball further back, and for Slice-spin, place it further forwards. Tip, as you place the ball further back, you should feel everything going more towards 'right-field'. This is normal.