The "Answer Man" Strikes Again!
Would you say the forward shaft lean creates the proper compression without the D Plane complication of hitting down excessively which creates larger discrepancies between true path/face?
Hand path (handle) must travel leftward through strike to allow club with forward shaft lean to track squarely into ball. Have you worked out the numbers yet?
Just so you know, my hand path was LESS LEFTWARD than normal, and so was the grip cap travel.
ISo what causes the minimum downward strike, High left shoulder?
Part of it is the low—then—high left shoulder.
But the left arm release across the chest is part as well.
And there is more....
Sound identical to the way Moe Norman was at impact. Very little forward lean and as he used to say, his divots were 'bacon strips, not pork chops.'
This is actually WAY MORE forward lean than my normal 3-wood shot.
Can't you just aim more left the more you hit down on it? Why is it BETTER? Thanks
You could just aim left.
But you will now get this kind of ball flight. Spin loft is WAY different.
That's not a bad swing - I wonder who that is?
The Manz....
So the forward lean comes from not flipping it? And the paper thin divots come from the axis tilt?
Axis tilt, left knee straightening, let shoulder up, and many more....
Playing the ball well forward in your stance helps with a shallower angle of attack.
The swing plane on this shot was not very shallow.
And that ball is hardly forward.
Getting the forward shaft lean is the hard part with the forward ball position.You better have plenty of right arm available prior to impact.
Except for a hacker, who has a straight right arm before impact?
Are we talking just fairway woods? I thought Brian said from one of his posts after hitting on Trackman for a day that you have to hit down on a 6-iron with more than 6-7 degrees downward and you get more down (and need more left) as you go down to shorter irons?
You can have as little as 2 degrees of downward with a decent amount of lean—
IF you do a bunch of things just so.
Do you have to put your hoola-hoop in the ground more at startdown to make this work?
Great left arm connection to the chest.
Am am trying to do the OPPOSITE!
Very, very, very interesting. This brings to mind the story about Byron Nelson who once had to warm up for an exhibition hitting balls off the first tee into the fairway, and told the host pro "don't worry, I'll make sure I don't take any divots", and just brushed the grass with each shot. Nicklaus has said that he could practice all day and not use up more than a shoe-box sized piece of turf. Fascinating stuff, Brian.
Very true, and thanks.
Don't quote me on this man but I remember reading somewhere that when a punch is thrown in boxing,the hands reach maximum speed before the arm is fully straight.
That's possible.
The LAST THING I am doing here is trying to do ANYTHING with right arm bend.
I've noticed with Nicklaus and Watson videos online that both seem to pick the ball very clean with their irons.
But even with a 6-7 iron , don't you have a minimum downward strike of 6-8 degrees? Are we saying the forward lean will be more than that with pros (I know you have to swing more left the more downward you hit, but does this "more lean than downward with tour players" corollary apply to mid-irons or short irons)?
I am swinging LESS LEFT on this one.
You can have less lean than 6-8° any ole time.