To me, the release information allows a person to play golf....not golf swing. I have made some great swings on the range that look great on video. A lot of lag, accumulators dumping, but in my heart of hearts, I knew there was no way I could take that to the course and play.
I really believe there is a difference between a playing pattern and a sexy looking range pattern.
With the range sexy pattern, I could hit shots that were so pure, sublime, nirvana like, scrumtrulescent....whatever you want to call it. However, it was tougher to go low. While trying to release earlier, and using a CPP type of pattern my scores were lower this summer than they ever have been. I don't have as many sublime feeling shots, but the scorecard looks better. Now that there is a name for this information, I am pretty excited to see where it goes.
I can bear witness to this claim. I’ve not known you to make many bad swings, but your release now is just solid and free. There’s thump and speed to it without it looking like you’re trying to create some thump and speed. Horrible golf speak, I know, but it just looks (and performs) great. Although, I would never call you "sexy".