The Titanic of leakage hookers

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When you've gotten rid of the slice, and you can usually prevent the pull, how do you get rid of the leakage hook? The last bit of flip, combined with a subconcious desire to keep the ball left and therefore hit the back of the ball, is my iceberg-- steering me to portside.

I want to be the king of the world! Help me out please. Or I'll sing like Celine Deon. Thanks.
Hi Brian,

I use a club throw action, and I try to throw it straight down the stance line (visually). I put a club in my hands and I can't avoid an upward force which will bring me to the finish.

Is this the same as your underhand javelin throw? Where is your force directed?


Just trying to bump this, and keep it on Brian's front burner. Looking forward to an explanation of the underhanded javelin!
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