The wisdom of children

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Spent 15 minutes today watching 6 and 7 year olds bash balls at a spring break clinic. About 8 kids, boys and girls and this is their swing. Throw the club back and stand almost straight up. Then bend over, squat and wale on it. They all did the same thing. They instinctively knew how to use the body to generate power. Many misses, balls rocketing everywhere, not a thought in their minds and having a ball.



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Spent 15 minutes today watching 6 and 7 year olds bash balls at a spring break clinic. About 8 kids, boys and girls and this is their swing. Throw the club back and stand almost straight up. Then bend over, squat and wale on it. They all did the same thing. They instinctively knew how to use the body to generate power. Many misses, balls rocketing everywhere, not a thought in their minds and having a ball.


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maybe the kids are just using an unrefined way of putting some oomph into the strike, recruiting what they can
maybe later on they will be shown how to blend the body movements through the strike or they will figure it out on their own
I can see the squat and jump in great ball strikers. But standing up...are there any examples?

In general kids seem to be hyper flexible and not very strong, at least not strong enough to stabilize all that flexibility. I think a lot of what they do with their body in the backswing is a response to the weight of the club and its momentum.... like the club wagging the kid to some extent.
The great thing about kids is that they lack strength, so they can't muscle a driver 220 yards with a heave of the upper body so they resort to these moves to generate power.
In general kids seem to be hyper flexible and not very strong, at least not strong enough to stabilize all that flexibility. I think a lot of what they do with their body in the backswing is a response to the weight of the club and its momentum.... like the club wagging the kid to some extent. swinging them. In the TW era I have had way too many kids come for lessons way too early. Of course in Korea it's part of their childhood ritual?
I didn't play as a yoot, but I can't imagine what possible demons laid dormant for so many who started by wrestling with dad's cut-off 5 iron freq'ing out at XXX flex. Then again, it worked out pretty good for some.
I would imagine playing with heavy clubs promotes smooth rhythm, not picking the club up, and a nice full swing. You can't really fling a club around if it feels like it weighs as much as you do. It might not be the best for actually hitting shots, but for developing a swing, it seems like a good idea.
Don't you stand up in the backswing naturally (if you don't seek the right lean look)? You just add a bit of lead side bend to look like you aren't?
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