Thin divot problem and compressing the ball

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I use the turned shoulder plane, which is steeper than the elbow plane. The dart imagery doesn't work for me with the shallow elbow plane. A loop shifter has bigger problems than increasing lag, like how to hit the inside of the ball.

When I tried your concept it was hit or miss. I’d hit an awesome shot by just holding my right wrist bent and just pull on the shaft. Then, with seemingly the same thought, shank the next two. Then I’d cool my jets and kill 2 more; only to shank it again on the third try. I’d rather just shank everyone and be done with it than be hit or miss. Imagine that stuff in your head when your looking at an iron shot while playing. If I had to define what felt so horribly wrong, it was a feeling of being extremely steep.

I must admit that the well executed shots had better distance and trajectory than my standard sweeping release.


I bet the "awesome" shots didn't feel "horribly wrong". Did the good ones feel too steep, or just the shanks? If just on the shanks, sounds like right shoulder has tension and it's moving outward, and not staying back and down, which causes steepness. Also, the straight line delivery path requires soft arms. Failure anticipation causes tension.

Can you hit shots as powerful as your awesome ones with other techniques?
goodgolf, next time you shank like that pulling down, check your follow through and see if you chicken-winged it. Looking to see if you're kung fu karate chopping the ball or backhanding it. When I switched to classic neutral grip and worked on backhanding the ball down into the ground, it did not work well with my then over-the-top swing. I had a battle with my subconscious for a bit.

Correct. The well executed shots felt great and the shanks felt like steep Sh*t. Power and trajectory of snap release were unmatched. One of my swing keys on a standard release shot is bringing the right shoulder down plane (axis tilt) pulling my arms through the shot. I don't use cross line with my standard shot, but I do as you instruct with the snap release. Looks like I'll have to control my emotions as I analyze the shank for more feedback.

Mr Swivel,

Can't really say if I've chicken winged it because I'm so instantly pissed when it happens. Chopping is a possibility, since I'm obviously getting the shank in the way of the sweetspot.

Thanks to you both,

MizunoJoe and others that have contributed,

The information about the subconscious, and getting over the fear of getting into a place that may FEEL outrageous at first, in order to obtain a better maximum trigger delayed release, and lag, is a BIG DEAL.

With some people, this may even apply to other areas of the swing. Many people, for example, have quite a problem correcting areas of their backswing. The part about release and lag, however, seems to be the biggest barrier for most people.
What are you guys thoughts on describing what the right elbow does on the backswing? After Brian went over it with me in a lesson, I thought of a waiter bringing a heavy tray of drinks up to his shoulder. That kept me from pinching it behind my back like Brian described me previosuly as starting a lawn mower. Whatever I am doing is working now, but would like to confirm my sense of security with it. Brian says to be like Johnny Unitas.
When I had a lesson with Brian, he had me imagine throwing a football pass to get my arms more up instead of around.
Joe & Arch,

Quick follow up. Trying to execute snap release cross line was too much of change for me. Messed up my whole pivot sequence. However, I went back to my more familiar top arc and straight-line path. I sensed myself actually just flipping it a bit into impact with the right hand. Knowing the evil of the flip, I really relaxed my right side and held my left hand feeling arched as I rotated through. There was some initial discomfort because the hands felt way out in front (reality is that they probably weren’t). The release and ball flight were better after the change. Not quite as you guys envision it, but the whole exercise has been quite beneficial to me.



The key to conquering this subconscious fear is to NOT think about a RESULT, good or bad, but to "make a motion", and let the motion do it's work. If you don't do this, you'll fall victim to "release anticipation", which will cause you to interfere with it. When done correctly, the release and result should be surprises.

I forgot to mention that I'm not sure that the cross-line move is a good idea, usually cross-line is a hitting procedure. And I'm curious when the club is soled, is the ball slightly toward the toe? If you take an impact fix, and then go back to the normal address position with the club soled, the ball will be toward the toe. These two things may have been the cause of your shanks.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
I played some more golf yesterday and from my mid irons on up if i really focussed on hitting down and through the ball i could easily hear that sizzle sound, it was pretty cool.
"make a motion", and let the motion do it's work"

I had a lesson with a AI 2 weeks ago teaching me a swinging procedure:
- loose arms
- on the downswing, hip slide, arms drop (let the club drop automatically), uncock the hands
- club always hit the ground, if it hit before the ball => hip stop or not doing the work
- pivot does the work and dragging the club all the way to finish

Before the lesson: always trying to do the straight line delivery path, thinking of the hands etc, not able to get a divot all the time

After the lesson:
- at least can hit the ground every time
- feels good
- but don't know what's happening with the hands, arms - too fast

It's seems to me that this is correct, but unable to sense #3pp yet. What should I do next?

Assuming you have the book, TGM, read the last paragraph of 3-B. If not, Homer says you must be able to execute a full pivot stroke at half and quarter speed as smoothly as at full speed. At slower speed, you should be able to experience and nuture the #3 PP feel.
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