This is the year that Tiger Woods will fix his golf swing

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First, off. Apologies to everyone on this board that would prefer to keep the discussions on the topic of the golf swing. This is the only golf forum I bother reading (because all of the Manzella Academy guys are wonderfully informative) so this is my only outlet.

2010 will be the year that Tiger Woods figures out that it doesn't matter if his shaft matches up with some lines drawn on 2D video.

I'm not saying that he's going to drop Haney, but I do think he will stop listening.

On a side note: I had a dream where I watched Brian give Tiger a lesson right before the US Open at Pebble... Tiger won by 16.
Maybe. I have heard him talk a few times about his two-way miss, and he seems pretty frustrated with it.

I would like to see him fix his swing this year...Pebble & St. Andrews...

Brian Manzella

Here ya go....

If Tiger came to me I would STRENGTHEN HIS LEFT HAND GRIP to slightly stronger than neutral, and get his hand path more in with a TOTALLY NON-LAID OFF top-of-the-backswing position, and a less arched left wrist at the top.

I think that would do it.

But, if he needed to make the downswing fit with that backswing fix, it wouldn't be too hard.
Hey Brian,

If Tiger came to his senses and gave you a call to come take a look at his swing, would your lesson rates go up? :)
If Tiger came to me I would STRENGTHEN HIS LEFT HAND GRIP to slightly stronger than neutral, and get his hand path more in with a TOTALLY NON-LAID OFF top-of-the-backswing position, and a less arched left wrist at the top.

I think that would do it.

But, if he needed to make the downswing fit with that backswing fix, it wouldn't be too hard.

If he ever does call you I hope you don't forget your roots.


New member
I never seen Tiger "quit" and stay out of someone elses way on the course before(which is what he said about Angel C today), I think It just goes to show everyone where his Mental game is along with his golf game/swing is at. Him Saying he is using a band aid swing last year and talking about two way misses is just becoming routine.It just seems like he is beating himself up so bad. His putting/touch seem to be waaaay out of wack as of right now also.
I mean 6 cuts missed total your entire career isnt a bad stat to have next to your name right.
he needs to kick HH to the curb and go back to BH. I know that may not be what people think and Brian can no doubt fix him, but he had his biggest success with Butchy and I think if it worked before.....I'm just sayin
So a fan was ejected from the tournament for being a heckler who said, "no red shirt for you on Sunday." That's heckling?

And Tiger shoots 79. Wow. Watching him hit a driver is painful.
I can see Tiger changing things next year, but not this year..too much stuff going on for him right now maybe. I wouldn't be surprised if he went to one of the younger instructors out on TOUR next year.
I agree Tiger won't go back to Butch, too much ego involved.

Watching Tiger hit the driver and do those drills before swinging (similar to the drills Ray Romano uses) is very painful. Watching him I get the feeling that he doesn't have a clue where the ball is going when he hits the driver. Since Haney had the yips with the driver I'm beginning to think that this could be a consequence of Haney's method.

BTW -- One of the names I heard floating out there if Tiger switches from Haney is Dale Lynch who works with Geoff Ogilvy.


I would have him go back to everything he was doing when he had all four majors and look at his swing when he won the US open at Pebble and lapped the field.

I know he says he's playing to win, but I think he listened to Jack's majors philosophy of hanging around the top and letting others falter too much. Tiger should be trying to win by 10 every week.

and get rid of the fanning open the clubface with the left forearm for a start
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