this person really tries to swing inside out eh

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Brian Manzella

Feel vs. Real

Great swing!

Probably, at some time in the future, she will start doing what she is posing.

But, for now, I really like her move.
How 'bout that "insta tee!"

It's pretty pure, and like BM says, she's not going to like what she's working toward soon...
Brings back memories...bad ones

It's pretty pure, and like BM says, she's not going to like what she's working toward soon...

I was there last year, with those inside out practice swings movements...and those endless pointless "great" tips..."oh oh you came over the top on that one, you really need to swing more from the inside, more the the right".
I couldn't hit a god dam 3wood of the deck without hitting it fat or hook one..."try maybe moving the ball more to the back and remeber don't come over the top this time..." duckhook...

NHA2 SAVED ME...Understanding and knowing the D world opens up, like magic!
Now all that I thinking about is contact and if the face is 2 or 3-4* open 3 yards fade or 10 yards fade...and draws, right now I don't need them.

Thank you Brian Manzella #1 teacher in the world!

I left a link to NHA2 to that golfer, eventually she will get there, in the future...
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That move she is practising is just to compensate for that horrible backswing.Flat backswing plus overswing=big time OTT unless she feels that move on the downswing which looks nothing like the practise move.

TRYING to swing to right field is just compensation for an OTT inducing backswing.She is in fact not really doing it.

Brian Manzella

That’ s why, silly rabbit, Trix are for kids.

that horrible backswing.Flat backswing plus overswing


You guys have such a narrow view of the golf swing, it makes it easy for me to slice and dice you.



Phil does have an OTT downswing.

That lady looks reverse pivoted also,even looking from down the line.
the yellow line you've drawn is in-line with Phil's left forearm. It's about 15 degrees off with the girl.

thats not the point. the yellow line shows that in both players the hands, shoulder and ball are all in line, regardless of how flat or steep one looks.
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