Thumb off drill is aggravating

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The thumb off drill in Brian's recent PGA video drives me insane. No matter how well I hit it, I always hit it so much better doing this drill, whether chipping or a full shot. It identifies how well I catch the flip with my right thumb. I literally wear indentations in my grips, where my right thumb rests. Anyone play with their right thumb purposely off the grip? What is the downside? What does the right thumb do in the golf swing anyway?
I discovered just the other day that keeping too much pressure on the V of the right hand is an absolute swing killer (take the hogan 5 lessons grip, and squeeze that V tight.. and I mean solid). My grip is pretty dang good other wise. However, too much squeeze on that V makes the right hand just want to snap and flip in the impact zone. Release the pressure, get the PP3 back into sensitivity, and my strikes really really really really improved. I now understand how the right hand plays such a huge role in how the club moves through impact. Pressure in the right places is essential!

No wonder you are finding that the thumb position can be a swing wrecker.:D

Brian Manzella


Fear is a heck of a motivator.

You FEAR losing the club without the thumb & WITH a lot of throwaway.

I'd bet you get right right shoulder MUCH MORE forward and downward when you take the thumb off.
Not only does the right shoulder go down more effectively, but I control the club much better on fifty yard pitches. I hit a bunch in the yard yesterday and the club stays behind my hands in the followthrough, with great contact. I am ready to cut off my right thumb when I play.
I'd bet you get right right shoulder MUCH MORE forward and downward when you take the thumb off.

I find this with float loading. When the wrists snap into place the club head feels like it is lagging the hands so much that the right shoulder seems to automatically power down and forward to help the club head "catch up". A wonderful feeling of power, really.


Drew Yallop
I'd bet you get right right shoulder MUCH MORE forward and downward when you take the thumb off.

The only problem is that no one bothered to mention how much better I would hit the pitch shot. I was well past almost every pin tonight. Guess I better go back and look at the other videos.
Right thumb off the club

To all,
Yesterday I went out to practice; Monday' is mats day at the club so I went out on the course slow day. I went out to work on my pivot and remebered this thread so i started doing the drill first a few chips to see if i could do it , did it fine so I went through the (chip, pitch, punch, punch with a swivel, then total motion swings) So I have to tell you i thought i had a better flat left wrist than i actually have becuase I hit the ball much better doing it this way with out the right thumb on the grip and no hook in the pointer finger.

Which actually made me pivot better without thinking pivot get that dynamic pivot that I need so badly. I hit some drivers that way they where smooth with my X flex driver i was hitting line drive bullets i tell you bullets that would hit and run i mean tumble for days, then i hit my softer shafted driver and was hitting high spinners that would just carry nicely but wouldn't
roll as much ( i know thats a club fitting issue different thread just had to mention it :)). So that drill made me realize you need less right hand. FEAR of losing the club made my mind say "pivot JOKER "or you are going to toss this club in that lake off the tee in front of you. SO i am here to say that was a great feeling I guess that was true compression! My irons where longer but better yet HIGHER than I have seen before Moon shots for me as i have been a very low ball hitter. Just wanted to share. This game is special and learning about it has to be one of the greatest sporting feelings that i have. I never thought that the same things that make you smile can make you want to cry. CLUBHEAD LAG PRESSURE !! WOW!!
Bottom line...

You don't need a right thumb to play excellent golf. Infact, most of golfdom would play better (eventually) if they didn't have a right thumb to "steer" the clubhead.
Preach on brrruther. -Preacher Terry Bollea

Still haven't tried your one club/putter thing Martin. Everytime I get to the course I feel like playing normal. (have been working lots anyway)

One of these days. -Pink Floyd :)
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