Tiger and Twist Away

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While watching Tiger and the rest of the pros at the Target World Challenge this Sat. I noticed (the whole gallery and pros actually saw it too) Tiger doing a pump type drill at the top of his back swing. He was best "twisting away" his hands then as he brought them down a little he cupped them. He did this repeatedly with his driver 4-5 times then hit the ball in slow motion with a grounder that went 50 yards using a "gather up the marbles" type finish.

This is the best I can describe without video. Jim Furyk made a comment at the time "We can't figure out what he is doing either folks" something along those lines. Pretty funny.

I couldn't figure out if he was trying to feel the opposite of the twist or trying to feel the twist. IT was always after he flared one to the right pretty badly. He did not do this with the irons only the driver.

Anybody have an idea what he is trying to do?
While watching Tiger and the rest of the pros at the Target World Challenge this Sat. I noticed (the whole gallery and pros actually saw it too) Tiger doing a pump type drill at the top of his back swing. He was best "twisting away" his hands then as he brought them down a little he cupped them. He did this repeatedly with his driver 4-5 times then hit the ball in slow motion with a grounder that went 50 yards using a "gather up the marbles" type finish.
Anybody have an idea what he is trying to do?

Just a guess, as all replies will be, but maybe he's felt that he's been doing too much of the opposite. Meaning, he feels he's been cupping his wrist on the way back, and then bowing it too much on the way down. This could just be a drill for him to feel more neutral in both directions...
I'd say that was my 2 cents, but it might only be worth one...

The other option is that he's doing it to try and confuse the other guys out there. Get them all trying something like that on the range, and maybe the competition gets a little easier next week...;)

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Didn't see it, but yes tiger is definately employing the "gather up the marbles" technique because he's trying to look like Hogan.
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