Tiger Woods and The Release

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There has been A LOT of discussion about Tiger Woods' recent swing changes and A LOT of discussion about The CP Release. Although no one may know exactly what Tiger is working on specifically, several bits of information have leaked out including Tiger hitting "up on the ball more" and "releasing every club (including the putter) the same way."

It didn't make much sense at the time why any player would intentionally release their putts, pitches and drives in the same manner...until now.

Is it possible that Woods is working on the right things now and is much closer to regaining his form than many people think?

I apologize in advance if this is a stretch...
It didn't make much sense at the time why any player would intentionally release their putts, pitches and drives in the same manner...until now.

When explaining this, he said he's done the same thing (same release through the bag) each time he's made a swing change. So I don't think it's what you think it is, or at least it didn't start that way.
I know a guy who knows a guy yada yada Sean Foley, who says he now has +1 AA readings. Also hears he's working is ass off with Foley
+1AA readings?

He was hitting 4/5 down at one time with 9 inside out, I heard. I think Brian talked about this and suggested that Foley's work with him was having some good effect. I think tour average is -1 with Driver. He is still over 120 MPH, so capable of 350 if he actually hits up and spins it less. time will tell...
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