Tiger Woods. He's the best. This IS his swing, get over it.

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Amen Corner said:
And when Hogan was asked the same question in 1975 he said

"The best ever i saw from tee to green was Bill Mehlhorn"
but he does not stand on the range and watch himself hit balls

Steve Khatib

Super Moderator
Tiger is from the west coast!

A real 'west coast' TGM Pivot!
Los Angeles in fact.
Even more pivot participation please Tiger!;)

Brian Manzella said:
Isn't it funny?

The guy is probably the best ever, but if he doesn't fit your model, he "really swings different sometimes," or it is "bad camera angles."


The guy is the best, and he doesn't put his head in the middle of his stance, and he sure doesn't use it as a tripod. He turns around another "point" and that's the point!

I DON'T think his swing is perfect, I would certainly change a few things if I had my chance.

But, his swing is PERFECT for showing how you can play pretty darn good golf PIVOTING the way I teach.

You can play pretty well with a dead still head as well.

But—I'll go with Tiger's pivot.

So, get over it.



Thanks, great pic...

Thanks for sharing the picture link.

I found the caption regarding his play in the tournament pretty telling too...

"... Woods had such control over his game that he was third in driving distance and fifth in accuracy, missing only 12 fairways all week. At one point, he also hit 36 straight greens in regulation."

Brian Manzella


Always NOTICE!!!

That golfers winning tournaments, ALWAYS have more axis tilt and on plane SHOULDERS in COMPETITION than in FAKE PICTURES FOR MAGAZINE SWING SEQUENCES!!!

Case in point:



Brian Manzella said:
Always NOTICE!!!

That golfers winning tournaments, ALWAYS have more axis tilt and on plane SHOULDERS in COMPETITION than in FAKE PICTURES FOR MAGAZINE SWING SEQUENCES!!!

Case in point:


Can you elaborate a little on that BM. Not sure what you are saying.
I liked it for how far down the plane line he is tracing.

Brian Manzella


When golfers are under the "heat of battle" they swing more like I teach—and more like most TGMers teach—then they do when they show up for a "photo shoot."
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Brian Manzella said:
Always NOTICE!!!

That golfers winning tournaments, ALWAYS have more axis tilt and on plane SHOULDERS in COMPETITION than in FAKE PICTURES FOR MAGAZINE SWING SEQUENCES!!!
I think that's PARTLY due to the fact that they hit it harder in tournaments, especially Tiger. Yes...hitting it harder means right shoulder stays down plane deeper into the follow through and hence more axis tilt.
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