It sounds like your arms are too steep coming down - which, if just by itself would lead to high rights, toe deep divots, shots on the toe; but you are quite a reasonable golfer so you have taught yourself (sub-consciously) to compensate for it.
When the arms swing "too straight" they can't re-rotate the clubface back to square up for the hit. Yet, you often hit straight so this is accomplished by either a strong grip or you hood the face somehow (most likely by bowing your wrists in the backswing or early in the downswwing).
You need to get your arms to rotate the face more open in the backswing; a bit like what Hogan said he did to fix himself. Take some practice swings 24-30 cm (I guess you are an American - so 2-3 ft) above the ball. You need to see the swing more around; rotate the arms clockwise in the backswing and anti-clockwise as you swing back OUT</u> through your starting point.
Initially, you may begin to hook but the contact point should start to move down lower and more to the centre of the face. If you hook (and your grip is strong fix that; for a regular, grooved golfer this is uncomfortable, sorry) if your grip is not strong then look for some hooding/closing of the face somewhere else and try and open it. The idea for you is to hit a high hook, where it feels that the face was much more open than it was - to do that the club has to come down much more from the inside in order to square itself up.
Onto the pitching: same thing as the full swing. But you need to do a lot of practice swings to train it all otherwise it could be a bit scary at the start. Same thing; you need more arc to this little swing, it has to come more from the inside with the face more open - where is the bottom of the swing (the divot) ? Is it approximately where you started ? Where the ball would have been ? Probably not; its probably too early. Keep trying. Remember to hit with the face more open with the bounce, more from the inside and hit the ground in the same place and you'll train your hands and arms what to do.
Good luck and don't be worried if you start to hit some thin shots (or even top some fairway woods) this will mean you are on more of an arc which is the key to the whole deal. Stay away from the card and pencil (and wagering) for a while as you will be a bit wobbly.