Tomasello-Gary Edwin Rt. Arm Swing??

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After much reading around in the various TGM forums the last few days (I have a high thirst for Knowledge). I have become interested in Tom Tomasello. It is my understanding that he taught a rt. arm swing.? I found a clip of Tomasello talking about fan and cock the right arm. It feels really good to me. That being said after looking at some of the swings of some of Gary Edwins students, I believe I see that type of action in several of their swings.

I know Tomasello went to Australia at one time, does anyone know if he had direct contact with Edwin. Also does anyone have more information on Tomasello, I know there is a fellow on chucks and the TGM forum (Delaware Golf i believe) that worked with Tom. I'm just looking for more info.
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