Too much L to R with NHA

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Jim and Kevin-

I got it to work! I went in 3-4 swings from a high draw to - Holy cow - high soft fades, I just had to close my clubface quite a bit in addition to swinging left. I can't believe how far left I feel like my clubface faces when hitting a fade. Wow.....
Curtis, you aren't "Down the wall" enough or following the YBR...

Swing "lefter!"

Cmartin, is going "down the wall" and then "following the YBR" what you mean by "swinging lefter"? (I know this would feel very left if you were more used to swinging out to the right or being under plane).

If it's even more left than this, do you mean actually coming over it slightly and trying to hit pulls? Is this the same as bending (realigning) the straight plane line during the downswing?

Sorry for all the questions. Thanks much.
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