Surely I am in to out relative to a straight at the target plane line? Is it not the essence of the d-plane that you hook it/push it when you hit down unless you adjust face (open) and HSP (left)?
YouTube - The Essential D-Plane
Lets take an extreme example: If I turn my HSP 90* left and try and hit a fade I'd need a face which was about 80* open to path and the clubface would hardly touch the ball.
My question was at what point does the AoA become so steep (requiring an increasingly leftward HSP) that it's impossible to hit it solid whilst fading the ball? According to Brian not at 7*. Maybe someone would be kind enough to supply HSP and clubface data for a 7* downward struck fade? And then maybe tell us how to get the face open enough to hit a solid shot without messing up all the other impact factors.
Assuming a VSP of 63*, you need to have the HSP 3.5* left of the target line to hit a straight shot at the target.
The Face Angle needs to be 0* which is 3.5* open to the PLANE (not the PATH). I think you are a bit confused on this point.