Trevino swing

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Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Of course you can hit it far with a strong grip. But Trevino not only had a strong grip but a holding off of the release move into the followthrough. He pretty much hit every shot as though it were a 3/4 knockdown wedge.


Trevino had the "put the clubface on the movie screen" swivel that Brian advocates in NSA.

Chris Sturgess

New member
You are totally clueless about Trevino's swing. He is nowhere near putting his club on the movie screen like NSA. The only movie screen he would be anywhere near putting his clubface on would be behind and above his left shoulder? You've seen him play golf before right? He has a very late release, it's unbelievably obvious. He hit hold off fades his whole career after trying to come up with a recipe for defeating a hook in his younger days. He tries to delay his release for as long as possible in an effort to hit a fade. The last thing he ever wants is to do something from never slice again. I have heard him say multiple times that his hold off move cost him distance but really helped his control.

Classic Trevino

Trevino is the opposite of doing this.....

This is how strong grip hold off fade players like Trevino and Duval finish



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Nicklaus called him, with Hogan, the best ballstriker he'd ever seen: Lee was best at "creating shots", Hogan was best at "controlling the ball tee to green".

Sadly, like Zinger, Couples, and Nicklaus, Trevino developed chronic back injury from a feature common to each of their swings. But mentioning that would be "criticizing" Trevino...never mind.


The Golf Channel has a show tonight.. on Trevino as analyzed by McLean. Think he knows anything worthwhile about his setup and swing? At least, there ought to be some good clips.
World class injury prone patterns are the F1 race cars of the golfing world...

They are high performance, high maintenance, high strung, and not intended for the the weekend warrior who should be scooting around in a Honda Civic or some other hum drum car. Some could argue that they are also short lived...
It looks like Trevino's open stance effectively moves the ball back a little in his stance. Is that accurate? If it is, does that set up allow him to roll like that, with his strong grip, without hooking (because the clubhead reaches the ball before it is square or closed)?

Chris Sturgess

New member
Allow him to roll like that without hooking? He rolls less than pretty much everybody, that is why he doesn't hook.

I never said he had a total holdoff with a driver. I was saying that his swing resembles a hold off wedge shot. With the driver he still holds it off more than virtually everybody else on tour. But as the clubs get longer and the swing speeds get faster the hold off will break down eventually. He still tried to hold off the driver to a large degree. In that golf channel show the other night he said "I was a blocker, and never a releaser." That is all I am saying.
Do you really read the posts you respond to, or do your fingers fly in response to a phrase that gets your attention?

I ask because Brian never said that you said anything in regard to a total holdoff with a driver; you didn't read that post carefully, Chris. And as far as my question to Brian was concerned (maybe I should have put his name in the post, for emphasis), I was wondering about ball position's effect on clubface position at impact/separation. The roll comment was incidental, and was in reference to the picture he posted, where the clubface is looking at the ground, not behind and above his left shoulder as you posted in post 22.

I don't know the answer to my question in post either way. That's why I was asking Brian for clarification; I was just curious.

PS I know what Trevino said; I saw the show, too, and you're right about what he said. No argument with you there. I'm just asking about what I've seen, on film and in photos. Don't take this and run. And quit getting all worked up, LOL.

Chris Sturgess

New member
Do you really read the posts you respond to, or do your fingers fly in response to a phrase that gets your attention?

I ask because Brian never said that you said anything in regard to a total holdoff with a driver; you didn't read that post carefully, Chris.

(sigh) Brian said this to me regarding my statement on Trevino's release:

"Well, it ain't a NSA finish swivel, but it ain't no TOTAL HOLDOFF like a 3/4 knockdown wedge (the shot he was hitting in your trading card pic) either."

And then he showed a pic of Trevino's release with a driver. I mean, if you can't put that together and you think I am the one with comprehension problems, wow. You need to go back to school or something. Your SAT scores must've been really low........"LOL"'re cheesy.
(sigh) Brian said this to me regarding my statement on Trevino's release:

"Well, it ain't a NSA finish swivel, but it ain't no TOTAL HOLDOFF like a 3/4 knockdown wedge (the shot he was hitting in your trading card pic) either."

And then he showed a pic of Trevino's release with a driver. I mean, if you can't put that together and you think I am the one with comprehension problems, wow. You need to go back to school or something. Your SAT scores must've been really low........"LOL"'re cheesy.


Why was LOL cheesy? You're a funny guy, even if you don't realize it.

What I see is that Brian said that it wasn't a total holdoff like a 3/4 knockdown wedge like the shot in the trading card pic that you posted with the caption "Classic Trevino". It just seems to me like you're putting words in his mouth.

You really don't see it (or won't see it), so I'll leave you alone. You don't even; have to bother with a response; you win. Besides, we've gotten this thread off topic enough as it is.

But you really do need to relax, Chris. It's not that serious.

BTW, I'm from MI. We didn't need to take the SAT.
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What's the big deal?

"It ain't a full ain't a total holdoff."

What exactly is in-ker-ekt?

Sounds like calling it like it is to me.

He wasn't 100% with Jim either but I don't see him writing about it.
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