Turning clubface off the plane - still shanking?

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Hi there, shanks and high/right 'almost' shanks have started creeping into my full iron swing. Driver is going beautifully.

After watching Brians videos and the good stuff on here i've been concentrating on turning the clubface off the plane like a madman at the start of the downswing, but i'm still shanking! i can feel my left hand going into the ball almost karate chop style but no matter how much i try to rotate it i can't! is there a cure....? help !!

PS played in a comp yesterday with a group i didn't know and starting shanking from my first iron shot of the day. One of the old guys in the group kept on shouting out 'jeez he's shanking it, or almost shanking it'.... just what you want to hear time and time again, not good for the confidence!! (drove the ball and putted great though)...


Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
As your turning the face off the plane, try to stay in your turn (store up your rotation) and put the grip end of the club in your right front pocket. My bet is your unwinding and staying above the plane.
As your turning the face off the plane, try to stay in your turn (store up your rotation) and put the grip end of the club in your right front pocket. My bet is your unwinding and staying above the plane.

Thanks Kevin, as a tendency i've also had a big lateral leg drive towards the target on the downswing as well if that helps. I think that may get me below plane most of the time as i have the sensation of my hips going forwards and right shoulder dropping down.. when it gets bad i almost can't visualise a path into the ball from that position
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