Two Different Pivots with VIDEO - Manzella Academy Research Project X

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Brian Manzella

We do research all the time.

Today, we attempted to see the validity of the "Head Precisely Between The Feet Pivot Tripod Center with Impact Hands and Address Body and a Strong Grip and High Hands at Address."

The first swing is that swing done by our own Mike Finney with the Tripod drawn accordingly.

The second is Mike's normal swing, using a Manzella Academy Approved Pattern with the lines drawn the way we do it here at the Manzella Academy Research and Development Lab.

The third is Mike's normal swing done with the Tripod drawn like the first time around.

The fourth is Mike's swing, with no lines.

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Brian Manzella

The Shots

On the first ball—The HEAD CENTERED one—Mike hit a nasty low pull hook about 20 yards short of the second which was right at the target.

Interestingly, on the one I am posting below—another HEAD CENTERED one—Mike hits it dead staright, but about 15 yards shorter.

Who can tell the one major difference in the two?

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Tom Bartlett

If you click on the hyperlink above the video screen, you can frame that one. But, just in case you can't...the follow through in Mike's normal swing is 6 inches further past impact.

Tom Bartlett

The head goes backward at impact. I have seen others who try to keep the head in the center and can 'play' do the same thing (move the head back just before impact) in order to hit a good shot.
Research and Development Lab.....

Manzella Academy Research Project X....



Well guys I'm gonna go read some MORAD now...
Brian, others,
I agree with Tom in that his head moves backwards in the second video. Would the difference in yardage come from losing his drive (stress) on the shaft before impact? On his normal swing it appears he can continue to stress the shaft thru and past impact. (I am not refering to the visible bend in the shaft).

Jim S.
In another way.......

On the first one, you stand on his right side and do not let him come to his normal at the top position which also means that he cannot come to his natural impact position with his normal axistilt.

On the second one, you stand on his left side, he knows that he has to have his head centered on the backswing and during the downswing he seeks his natural impact position which makes his head to go away from your finger

Brian Manzella

Amen Corner said:
On the first one, you stand on his right side and do not let him come to his normal at the top position which also means that he cannot come to his natural impact position with his normal axistilt.

On the second one, you stand on his left side, he knows that he has to have his head centered on the backswing and during the downswing he seeks his natural impact position which makes his head to go away from your finger


Brian Manzella

The POINT of this execise!

Michael Finney is one of the most talented swingers of a golf club ever.

He could EASILY convert to playing with the "other" pattern—or ANY other pattern.

He chooses to play with this one, but one day, maybe he'll play with something else.

Either way, it was designed to show a flexibile, tour caliber talent, doing this pattern, or WAY to swing a golf club.

It is just A way, but not the way.

Next up, Mike does the Hardy One-Plane swing, another valid option.


In the second post he really gets flippy with his hands.
The contact sound on all of them is awesome!
on the second one his head follows his club up on the follow through much faster, and since he is not staying down on the shot as long the timing might be an issue if he used that swing, his might might end up getting ahead of the rest of the body on occasion
and btw, what kind of research you tring to do, we all know MANY MANY MANY more pros use a pivot much closer to swing one, well at least us who are paying attention do ;)
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Shoulder Turn

Michael Finney said:
we're doing perverted address versus standard address research....


Is it a correct observation from the clips that you have more shoulder turn with the pivot you play with?



He gets way ahead of it w/ the HC swing (number 1). In the second he stays more centered but has to flip to square the clubface up and I would assume to get even the distance that he did.
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