Two Different Pivots with VIDEO - Manzella Academy Research Project X

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He gets way ahead of it w/ the HC swing (number 1). In the second he stays more centered but has to flip to square the clubface up and I would assume to get even the distance that he did.

I think Brian said the 2nd swing was Mike's normal swing with a Manzella Academy aprroved pattern. Finney ain't got no Flip.
Thanks for taking the time to do these videos with Mike...

One Suggestion...

Using a fairly level hip turn with a Stationary Head is NOT compatible(Which Michael is demonstrating here in the video)...So obviously...performance would not be as high...What keeps the head centered is NOT The Head...but the STYLE of Shoulder Motion, Hip Motion, and Leg Action...A Head more centered is the Result....NOT THE Modus Operandi

For Instance ...Right Knee Action, Level Hips, and a Flat Shoulder Turn which maintains Torso Pitch (Shoulder to Hips) are very compatible especially for player with more muscular advantage...This Pivot Style for some gives a greater range of motion for this build....whereas for others it decreases range of motion between other segments...

Rotated Shoulder Turn, Maximum Hip Slant, and Standard Leg action with a Flat Left foot reduces the Torso Pitch( Shoulder/Hips) which is in SOME cases for those who have long limbs and narrower more flexible builds

One thing that is important to note....Some people have greater range of motion is the transverse plane ( more level) and some have more range of motion in the lateral plane

When you have certain blends and sequences of these movements in the various planes or axis of rotation it produces different pivot styles...

Brian Manzella

No Kidding.

Good post NAT, you are preaching to the choir.

The POINT of this video that me and Mike did months ago, and the mostly tongue-in-cheek post, is to show EXACTLY what you said, a FLAT hip turn--which is what you get with right anchor knee action--and a FLAT Shoulder Turn, IS NOT COMPATABLE WITH A STATIONARY HEAD THAT IS BETWEEN THE FEET!!!!!!!!

In other words, we were blowing up the "Tripod-ers."

You, Mr. NAT, did a good a job of doing this with your excellent post as we did by showing how GOOFY it looked.
Perhaps this is why the TGM owners changed the swinging pattern in the 7 edition to Rotated Shoulder to achieve the stationary head??????

The clip of Homer's swing his head was not perfectly stationary.

Brian Manzella

Like I was saying...

Perhaps this is why the TGM owners changed the swinging pattern in the 7 edition to Rotated Shoulder to achieve the stationary head??????

The clip of Homer's swing his head was not perfectly stationary.

The "owners" only put in what Homer had in the notes.

But, if you ask "Why Homer changed the patterns?"

He changed the shoulder plane and the hip movement to make a stationary head work better.


Having a Flat Shoulder Turn and a Flat Hip Turn and a Staionary Head is not a good mix of components.

Which is why in my MANZELLA MATRIX Patterns, there is no such thing. I prefer some weight shift OFF THE LEFT LEG, and even with steeper shoulders, that will produce some head movement.



Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
you know, as much as this gets debated i think a completely stationary head is foolish for 1 main reason:

Your head is IN FRONT of your spine, not on top of it like a lollipop.
Something that I've noticed in many, if not most, good players (including Finney) is that their heads, while not stationary, are fairly "quiet". Is that a fair assessment?

Brian Manzella

Something that I've noticed in many, if not most, good players (including Finney) is that their heads, while not stationary, are fairly "quiet". Is that a fair assessment?

The golf ball has no idea if your head is "quiet."

Now, if you can keep that "point between your shoulders" dead still.....ah.............;)
If the Manzella matrix and MORAD models both encourage a pivot around a fixed point somewhere in the centre of the chest (or the back), the only difference in that point's location at the top of the backswing is where that fixed point was at address, correct? If you set up with more axis tilt right it's going to be further to the right.
you know, as much as this gets debated i think a completely stationary head is foolish for 1 main reason:

Your head is IN FRONT of your spine, not on top of it like a lollipop.

I think Brian does a good representation of this in the Do It Right video. He has a range ball bucket attached to a club shaft. If the clubshaft represents the spine, and the basket your head, your head is in front of the spine.
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