Two Patterns, please comment

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Two Patterns [debate]

First video is the "short pattern". Second video is the "long pattern". I will not comment on the differences in ball flight yet, so please don't ask. I would like to hear which one you guys prefer (and why), and what you think the differences between the two are.

Short pattern:

Long pattern (must view in HD otherwise poor quality. Click on the "HD" button at the bottom right corner of the player):
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Ill take a stab at this. The short pattern looks more in sync. Maybe this is because of your transition..Looks to me like you get off of your right side pretty quick in the downswing and maybe because you "naturally" don't swing your arms really fast the shorter pattern is better for you. Thats my best guess as to why.
They both look very good, the one that best matches your natural personality and rhythm is the one you should select. I'm not exactly the neat and tidy type, so to my eye if it were my swing the long pattern would be my choice. That said the only question that matters is what matches YOU.

Freddy Couples versus Tiger Woods...I can relate to and aspire to (not achieve) a swing like Freddy's; however, whenever I watch Tiger, I can't even fathom swinging a club in any way similar to the way he does...I deeply respect and admire Tiger...but can not relate to the way he swings a club.

I've noticed that after I watch (live is best, but TV works too) certain players hit the ball I immediately strike it better, but when I watch other great players I don't seem to pick up anything. I believe the phenomenon is true for most of us. Notice whose swing makes your own better...IMO you should make not conscious effort to emulate anyone..just observe and note who has a positive impact on your game.
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i personally like the longer one. looks like a little more hip slide in the backswing on the longer version, obviously a longer arm swing, and a slightly different loading action in the transition
I prefer the short pattern if for no other reason than you look Hoganesque at the point the video stops, as glcoach says it looks sleeker and more repeatable. But, what does the ball think? (Rhetorical question I know you're not telling.)
Ok, I'm willing to make a fool of myself.

In the Long Pattern you load later and float load more, in the Short pattern you load much earlier (more like waist high) and this somehow enables you to transition more quickly and move much more quickly to the downswing (also less float loading?)? Pivots look a little different, but that may be the angle fooling me with the short pattern a little less turning into to the back leg?

I wonder if I might like the short pattern for a wedge and the long one for a driver? But results would dictate. If I had to chose one, I'd pick the long pattern.

I'd happily take either swing.
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Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
I haven't seen either video but i know the answer....whichever scores better on the course. I can do just about anything at the range and make it work.


Don't Mean to disagree, but.......


I have watched the video's now 3 times and the long swing has some sort of metal wood and the short swing is an iron........

Having said that I agree with Jim K, that you should use whatever swing allows you to score best.

But I like the short pattern, just looks tight and athletic. Would be nice if all of us had the talent to swing either way with great success.

Happy Hunting

In the Short Pattern video swing, I'm using a 5 iron. The first swing in the Long Pattern video, I'm using a 5 iron. The second swing in the Long Pattern video I'm using a driver.
Looks like you take it to "top" with the short pattern and "end" with the long pattern. I'd guess that you'd have a tougher time "overaccelerating" with the short pattern (and that you might have been fighting that some with the long pattern).

Both look pretty playable.

I spent a year experimenting with the short pattern. I wasn't just playing around changing the look of my swing on the range. What you see here are REAL changes (as opposed to changes that just look good on camera).

The reason I wanted to try the short pattern was to improve my accuracy. I tried to make my armswing stop when my shoulder turn stopped. I tried to have a "normal" loading action. I tried hard to be very "synchronized". I tried to be neat and tidy. The ball flight was lower and probably not as hot as the long pattern (especially with longer clubs). I felt very consistent and accurate.

The long pattern feels very effortless and natural (didn't feel natural the first few weeks when I switched back though) to me. On an effort scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the most effort, I felt like I was swinging 8 with the short pattern and 6 with the long pattern, but the distances with the long pattern is better. If I try to swing harder with the long pattern the ball would go higher without being much longer. Other than the higher clubhead speed, this is probably because of my natural tendency to increase axis tilt the harder I swing. With the long pattern, I load later, feel more Nicklaus at the top (semi-flying elbow/Unitas + umbrella), have a bit more pop-out, a steeper backswing plane, and a more neutral grip. The accuracy of the long pattern is certainly no worse than the short one, especially on the course. To me, this disproves the theory that you got to swing short and tidy to be accurate.

I've watched your swings over the years, and you've always been an open-faced player, someone with a lot of active release in the hitting area.

That type of clubface action is just not compatible (on the golf course) with the shorter backswing and quick tempo. You need more time to close that clubface without all the "flash" down at the bottom.

You'd be better off copying Ben Curtis or Geoff Ogilvy than Anthony Kim. Just my two cents.
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