Two "Project 1.68" Findings

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My take: Picture a shrug. The left shoulder complex pulling upward through impact supplies a very nice extra percentage of momentum transfer and parametric acceleration. I was with Brian when he turned into a power hitter doing this.

This is part of the "undwinding of the left side" into impact, correct?

Do most non-pros unwind the left side enough, particularly with the driver?
Sticky it!

The wrong and damaging (internet junk) perception this info challenges and corrects is that the ideas about 'getting your hands ahead of the ball' and 'low point is ahead of the ball' means that the the hands ought to be at their lowest a few inches ahead of the ball.

I'm guessing the hands starting to 'come up' in this little circle from right hip to left hip happens at the same time the clubhead starts to go 'down'/release?
Hey yeah that's right - have improved 8-10 shots or so since applying BManz info to my game!

Can't wait for Project 1.68.......


I know I am late to the party. Sorry but I was driving across the country. That first finding is very interesting to me. I cannot wait to see how it figures into Project 1.68.
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