Under The Radar

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The PGA winter series is being held in Florida and I have a friend/associate playing in the Sr/Jr event. Lo and behold I see that they are a few strokes behind Kevin Shields and his partner (who are leading) going into round 4.

I know how good my buddy is....... this site is lucky to have a K Shields on it. So much golf swing theory running around the net and too much of it by individuals who simply cannot break the most fragile of eggs. At the end of the day we forget that playing golf is about being able to post really low scores in competition or low scores in a casual round. I think that gets lost on 90 percent of posters. (Of course that statement doesn't apply to range rats who just love to hit balls...... nothing wrong with that either - it's just not golf).

You guys are really lucky to have someone like Kevin here to "keep it really real".

Don't know the final results Kevin but well played regardless. I hold your type in high regard.

Well said! It's quite a different game when you don't get to rake a ball from a pile to hit your next shot.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
My partner put me on a beer count and curfew. Backfired! Very windy and our putters went a little cold so we finished a few back. Great tourney and good time. 18 birdies and an eagle ain't too bad for comin right out of the snow for the aging club pro.

Thanks, Robbo
You weren't THAT far back.

Honored to know you, work with you and follow you on a course - even though you sometimes are a bit goofy on the course. :)
My partner put me on a beer count and curfew. Backfired! Very windy and our putters went a little cold so we finished a few back. Great tourney and good time. 18 birdies and an eagle ain't too bad for comin right out of the snow for the aging club pro.

Thanks, Robbo
Beer count? How did that converstation go? "Ok Kevin after we polish of this case we better call it a night";)
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