Understanding Wrist Action in Backswing

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I'v read Brian's articles (they're great), but I just wanted to make sure that I had it straight in my head. If you took your set up (say with the driver) and did not move your body at all but just manipulated your hands/wrists in the desired motion for a backswing (all the while not moving them from their position, just cocking them, or whatever you want to call that action), what should the club look like? (i.e. should it be parallel to the ground and the target line, face slightly closed, etc.?). I ask because I have a tendency to take the club too much around my body and not enough up and I think a lot has to do with what I think that my hands should be doing in the backswing. The "Twistaway" article helped but I'm still not sure that I have it right. Thanks.
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