There is a bit of mystique involved evoking mother earth as a source for power in a golf swing. Readily done but not readily explained. The earth is simply a big mass and the golfer just a tiny mass equipped with some muscles to activate the various parts – nothing really very mystique.
What is important to consider is the motion of the center of mass of the golfer. For instance, from the top there can be a downward motion and at the bottom an upward motion. Both can result in more clubhead speed
The squatting motion is a small but important downward motion of the center of mass. Anyone can experiment with a small but crisp downward motion of the body, from the top, and readily experience the additional torque generated.
Getting out of the squat, the lead shoulder going up, or the lead leg snapping straight, it is all part of the same upward motion of the center of mass body just before impact, injecting kinetic energy into the swing, similarly to a child’s swing.
What is important to consider is the motion of the center of mass of the golfer. For instance, from the top there can be a downward motion and at the bottom an upward motion. Both can result in more clubhead speed
The squatting motion is a small but important downward motion of the center of mass. Anyone can experiment with a small but crisp downward motion of the body, from the top, and readily experience the additional torque generated.
Getting out of the squat, the lead shoulder going up, or the lead leg snapping straight, it is all part of the same upward motion of the center of mass body just before impact, injecting kinetic energy into the swing, similarly to a child’s swing.