Valid Putting Technique?

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I've been missing a few putts under 3 feet recently due to deceleration.

After practising today, i found that if i grounded the putter about a ball width behind the real ball, rather than right next to the ball, that it really forced me to accelerate through the putt.

Does anyone use this technique? any drawbacks?
I've always grounded my clubs back from the ball a bit. I believe GM even advices to leave about an inch of space between the ball and putter - Damon might be able to verify.

Damon Lucas

Super Moderator

You don't want acceleration through the ball, nor do you want deceleration, although you will get a feeling of deceleration when the putter strikes the ball.

What most good putters have is a constant velocity(zero accel or decel) at the bottom of the stroke.

So just try to keep a good rhythm, have an appreciation for the delivery speed that you're aiming for, and then go.

What mg is alluding to above has to do more with putting the bottom of the stroke rather than the you can look at a blade of grass, and then 'feel' the stroke.
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