An interesting video. Worth several watches IMO as there are not only some good information on golf instruction but also some good points on the golf stroke itself.
The concept of definition of 20 things comes across as much of these are preferrences. Which is not in conflict with TGM but may not track with chpt12. Obviously Peter and You have some different words to describe the pivot as well as how it might work. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
The idea of a closed book test with 20 or so questions on KEY TGM elements (a mixture of concepts, components, essentials, imperatives, etc.) has real value IMO. The only problem is that there are many who may not recognize the correct answer if it doesn't have the percise words.
This is one worth downloading to view again, not tonight, twice in one day is more than enough for me. It was long.
But in the end Brian came down to earth with an appreciation for it...
Cute training aid..